patent an idea (3)

Trademark vs Patent: Which One Is Right for You?

A trademark helps in protecting a name, symbol, design, word, or logo used to represent the manufacturer of the goods. The property rights for a new product are given to an inventor with the help of a patent. This way it prevents others from making a...

Patent Services USA · 07 September 2021 · 134

IPR Law Firm in India- Intellectual Property Rights, Technology Monetization, and IP Merger & Acquisition- IP Bazzaar

In today’s knowledge economy, Intellectual Property (IP) plays a critical role in driving innovation and business success. Ipbazzaar, a resource focused on IP, addresses three key areas: IPR- Intellectual Property Rights, Technology Moneti...

IP Bazzaar · 06 May · 2

What are the Benefits of Patenting Your App Idea?

What is a patent?  A patent is a legal document that grants exclusive rights to an inventor or creator for their invention or innovation, providing them with a limited monopoly over their creation for a specific period, usually 20 years from th...

Kashyap Rathod · 05 October 2023 · 4