rob wegner (5)

Rob Wegner: A Unique Blend of Past and Present in His DJ Mixes

When it comes to DJ’ing, Rob Wegner is a name that needs no introduction. With over three decades of experience and numerous accolades under his belt, he continues to push the boundaries of music creation and performance. Born in Chicago,...

Rob Wegner · 20 November 2023 · 9

Explore The Theme & Messages Behind Rob Wegner's Merchandise

Well-known DJ and music producer Rob Wegner is not just a prominent figure in the music industry—he's also a creative mind who infuses every piece of his merchandise with meaning. Whether it's apparel or accessories, each item serves as an embo...

Rob Wegner · 19 September 2023 · 3

Rob Wegner: Revolutionizing DJs Through Imagination and Expertise

Are you considering a career as a DJ? While many perceive it as an easy, high-paying job, the reality is that it requires training, practice, creativity, and a deep passion for music to truly excel. Let's take a look at the journey of Rob Wegner, a w...

Rob Wegner · 21 July 2023 · 2

Rob Wegner: A Look at His Music Style

If you’re an aspiring DJ, then you’ve likely heard of Rob Wegner. As a distinguished DJ and music producer, he has done the incredible feat of establishing the world's first college-accredited DJ degree at Scottsdale Community College (SC...

Rob Wegner · 1 year ago · 16

Is It Hard to Become a DJ?

Being a DJ is easy—or, at least, that’s what it may seem like to the uninitiated. If you’re a frequent patron of clubs and music festivals, you might think that all a DJ does is press play on a digital music player. But don’t be fooled. Top DJs like Rob Wegner have spent hours perfecting their craft and enriching their knowl...

Rob Wegner · 21 February 2023 · 5