self help (3)

Why Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone Can Help You Succeed

Do you know what lies just beyond your comfort zone? Success. Yes, success. Although it is human nature to seek comfort and security, staying within those limits for too long hinders your growth. But how do we step out of our comfort zone and find...

John mickel · 14 February · 4

Why Is Keeping Our Emotions In Check When De-Escalating So Important?

Adding Rationality To Your Decision Making Emotionally triggering situations often cloud our ability to think and act rationally. Once our judgment is compromised and triggering emotions like anger, fear, or frustration run high, we are more likely...

John Alex · 13 July 2023 · 9

What Is The Maestro Monologue And Why Should You Read It?

Recognized as the best book of the month by the prestigious Online Book Club, with a  top star rating from Kirkus book review, and two first-place awards:  The Titan Gold Book Award and  The BookFest Book Award - The Maestro Monol...

John Alex · 10 April 2023 · 13