silver gemstone jewelry (3)

Types of Coral Stone - A Complete Guide

Coral is a type of organic material that is found in various shades such as pink, orange, red, and white. There are different types of coral stone corresponding to a particular color, pattern, and look. Unlike other gemstones, coral is an organic gem...

Aria Zoe · 14 May · 1

Types of Tiger Eye Stone - The Complete Guide

A poet once said that when you look at a tiger eye stone, your inner tiger looks back at you. If you are not familiar with the tiger eye, well, it is a type of chalcedony having a brown to amber hue and stripes of grey and black across its surface. W...

Aria Zoe · 13 May · 1

Why You Should Buy Silver Gemstone Jewelry by Gram?

You are a jewelry retailer, and you are thinking about why should you buy silver gemstone jewelry in Gram. For this, imagine that your client has worn the outfit that she feels is perfect for her, along with complementing footwear, flawless makeup, a...

Anisa jonas · 30 November 2023 · 1