social anxiety (3)

Social Anxiety and Public Speaking: How to Conquer Your Fear

Have you ever found yourself shaking like a leaf or stumbling over your words when speaking in front of a crowd? If so, you're not alone! Social anxiety and public speaking fears can cast a shadow on our confidence and hinder our personal and professional growth. But fret not, dear reader, as we introduce you to a game-changer in conquering these f...

Piyush Sharma · 02 September 2023 · 3

Pros and Cons of Divorce: What You Need to Know

Divorce refers to the legal process of ending a marriage between two people. In most countries, divorce requires a court order or decree that dissolves the legal contract of marriage. Divorce can be initiated by one or both partners and may be contested or uncontested, depending on the circumstances. Exploring the Pros and Cons of Divorce Divo...

ela sharma · 14 July 2023 · 2

How Can We Improve Presenteeism and Work Productivity?

Presentism is a phenomenon in which employees come to work when they are not feeling well, which can result in decreased productivity and an increased risk of errors or accidents. It is often driven by a sense of duty or responsibility to the job, fear of falling behind, or a lack of sick leave or other benefits. Presentism can have negative con...

ela sharma · 21 April 2023 · 6