Empowerment for ADHD: Accepting Your Individual Neurodiversity

The common perception of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of restriction and hardship, but a rising body of research is refuting this idea. Many now see ADHD as a distinct type o...
06 February ·
· 2 · abdul ahad

ADHD and Mindful Learning Styles: Tailoring Education for Success

It is imperative in the dynamic field of education to accommodate a variety of learning styles, and it is even more critical to customize educational approaches for students who suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This article, "ADHD and Mindful Learning Styles: Tailoring Ed...
03 February ·
· 2 · abdul ahad

Title: Developing a Conscious Approach to Nutrition through Intuitive Eating

Overview Against a backdrop of diet culture and contradicting dietary recommendations, intuitive eating presents a new and comprehensive method of providing the body with nutrition. Intuitive eatin...
24 January ·
· 1 · abdul ahad