Providing Care for Oncology Patients: Do's and Don'ts

Caring for oncology patients requires sensitivity, knowledge, and empathy. Here are some essential do's and don'ts to consider when providing care for individuals undergoing cancer treatment: Do's: Educate Yourself: Take the time to learn about the patient's specific type of cancer, treatment pl...
1 week ago ·
· 1 · Ahjay Ram

The Link Between Kidney Stones and Dehydration

The kidneys can develop small, hard mineral deposits called kidney stones. While there are various factors that contribute to their development, dehydration is a significant risk factor that is often...
25 April ·
· 2 · Ahjay Ram

How Does Humidity Affect Acne and Pimples in Summer?

Humidity can have a significant impact on acne and pimples, especially during the summer months when humidity levels tend to be higher. Here's how humidity affects acne and pimples: Increased Oil P...
18 April ·
· 2 · Ahjay Ram

10 Common Gynaecological Issues Every Woman Should Know

Introduction: Gynaecological health is essential for every woman's overall well-being. Understanding common gynaecological issues can empower women to recognize symptoms, seek timely medical care, an...
08 April ·
· 2 · Ahjay Ram

Understanding the Most Common Stomach Problems: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

The stomach is a vital organ responsible for digesting food and breaking down nutrients. However, various conditions can affect the stomach, leading to discomfort, pain, and digestive disturbances. He...
26 March ·
· 3 · Ahjay Ram

Unraveling the Complexity of Multi-Vessel Disease in Cardiology: A Comprehensive Exploration

Introduction: Multi-vessel disease (MVD) stands as a formidable challenge within the realm of cardiology, demanding nuanced understanding and effective management. This article delves into the intric...
01 February ·
· 3 · Ahjay Ram