Citi Collage

Citi Collage Mississauga Campus Unit no 9, 5170 Dixie Road, Mississauga ON – L4W 1E3

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Citi College is a Career College - Registered under the OCC Act 2005. Which has been providing students with engaging, effective education since 1991. We offer diploma programs in four different industries including Business, Information Technology, Healthcare and Engineering.At Citi College, we are committed to providing our students with a safe, vibrant community in which they can succeed. Our instructors foster a positive and inclusive learning environment where students can grow and flourish

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into successful, job-ready candidates.We are thrilled to have two campuses located in Mississauga and Toronto. Both of our campuses provide flexible learning schedules and accomodating enrollment dates to make it easy for candidates to apply and take the next step in their career.

Digital Marketing Mastery: Comprehensive Course for Success

Check out best courses for Digital Marketing in Toronto at Citi College. Digital Marketing Mastery: Comprehensive Course for Success is a high-quality and in-depth digital marketing course that equips...
27 December 2023 ·
· 1 · Citi Collage