
DerekTBelford Chicago, United States

Joined: 1 year ago | 0 Following   0 Followers | 0

I'm a Product Manager with experience working cross-functionally with business roles (e.g. Marketing, Finance, Sales), technical roles (e.g. Backend and front-end engineers, data scientists) as well as designers and UX researchers to bring products to life that make our users' problems and pain-points go away!

I have experience working with Web and Mobile products, AI and Machine Learning - There's something really fascinating about using data to try and predict the future. I'm a big believer

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that every model should be thoroughly thought from an AI Ethics point of view.

Building a better product development process to help team to make informed decisions with their third party marketplace.

Experienced in developing, executing, and monitoring marketing programs across a variety of channels.

How Web3 or Metaverse Will Metamorphose Education System?

The name change of Facebook to Meta made the global technology marketplace hot. The metaverse technology took a great hike after Mark Zuckerberg gave the message of giving the metaverse technology ano...
05 October 2022 ·
· 20 · DerekTBelford