Role of Blockchain in Quadratic Funding
Quadratic funding (QF) is a capital allocation mechanism that allows a community to demonstrate its preference for a project. The implementation of blockchain technology has the potential to resolve c...
14 June 2023
· 2
Dimple Dasila
Deloitte Integrates Blockchain for Digital Credentials
Among the Big Four, Deloitte has incorporated blockchain technology into its range of services. The integration will simplify the inefficient verification process wherein users can store their verific...
06 June 2023
· 3
Dimple Dasila
ChatGPT and Crypto: Fuelling a New Era of Endless Possibilities
In 2022, ChatGPT (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer) garnered huge attention due to its capability to generate large-scale data and understand context, flexibility, and scalability. The AI model may...
02 June 2023
· 1
Dimple Dasila