
mikejonson USA

Joined: 11 months ago | 5 Following   1 Followers | 15

progress depends on one's own effort

  1. wow, incredible tips, you have detailed and explained everything very well, I am totally in favor of teaching children with this because it is one of the easiest ways for them to learn, by the way my son loves games that are to color and that you have to solve activities, I am sure that you have seen this more than once, they are very common, the point is that if you do not know where to find them I found them here in the printable games for children https://wunderkiddy.com/matching-game/shape-shadows The best thing is that they give you the option to download them in pdf and you can print them on the paper you want, they have hundreds of them, I'm sure it will be of great help to you

  2. You have to be very careful with scams :(unfortunately there are very bad-intentioned people in the world

  3. brilliant! I love shooters on Steam, great article