D-Wizz Artist Artwork

Despite being anonymous, street artist D-Wizz has already taken the art world by storm. His stunning works are full of emotion and beauty, which have left everyone speechless. He has even been compare...
09 August 2023 ·
· 2 · marks Art

Bobby Banks Artist UK

Bobby Banks Artist Bobby’s oil paintings are selling fast! He recently designed and painted a martini glass that sold at auction for a neighborhood health clinic. His Music Bobby...
08 July 2023 ·
· 18 · marks Art

How Do I Invest in Art?

Invest in Art? Despite what you might think, you don’t need to be an art expert or have a multimillion-dollar budget to invest in art. But like any other investment, it’s important...
08 July 2023 ·
· 2 · marks Art