
MUHAMMAD HAMID Township, Lahore

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Muhammad Hamid is an experienced Digital Marketing Expert specializing in SEO, social media, and advertising. With over seven years of experience, he has a proven track record of launching successful digital marketing campaigns for various companies. Hamid excels in brand innovation, social media planning, campaign development, and monitoring key metrics for improved visibility and profits. He is skilled in WordPress SEO, YouTube SEO, Google Ad Manager, and Page Speed Optimization. His accomplishments

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include increasing sales, reducing acquisition costs, enhancing brand visibility, and expanding customer engagement. Hamid holds professional certifications in Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce and Google Digital Garage, along with a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of the Punjab. He has led teams, managed budgets, and executed comprehensive digital marketing strategies across multiple platforms. Additionally, Hamid has worked as an Off-Page and On-Page SEO Expert and a Backlinking Expert for various online platforms. His key projects include developing and optimizing websites for companies like Acrosoft and Latest Bedding Pvt. Ltd.

Profile Link: WhatsApp: +923167417135

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