Undersand Your Chiron in Leo

If Chiron is located in Leo, there are many possible solutions to the limiting effects it can cause. Chiron may affect Leo's energy as it is a joyful, optimistic, and warm sign. https://christina79033.wixsite.com/astrology---numerolo/post/chiron-in-leo can party too much and deprive themselves of...
29 September 2022 ·
· 14 · Reece Boswell

Men with Chiron in Leo

There are both benefits and drawbacks to the influence of Chiron on Leo. People with Chiron in Leo are often incredibly talented, but they suffer from the feeling that they are untalented. These people are often very gifted, but they hide their talents from the rest of the world. Your self-esteem...
05 October 2022 ·
· 11 · Reece Boswell