Visa and Migration

Visa and Migration

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The marriage visa UK, also known as the Spouse Visa, is designed for individuals who are married to or in a civil partnership with a UK citizen or settled person. It allows them to join their partner in the UK for an extended period. To qualify, applicants must demonstrate a genuine and subsisting relationship, meet financial requirements, and provide suitable accommodation. Successful applicants can live and work in the UK, with the possibility of extending their stay and eventually applying for settlement.

Embracing a New Chapter: The UK Spouse Visa Application Guide

Love has the power to transcend borders, and when two hearts from different corners of the world find each other, they often dream of creating a life together. The UK Spouse Visa offers the opportunity for non-EEA nationals to join their British or settled partner in the United Kingdom and embark on...
18 August 2023 ·
· 9 · Visa and Migration