A Comprehensive Guide to Galaxy S9 Screen Replacement

4 min read
09 October 2023


The Samsung Galaxy S9 is a remarkable smartphone known for its sleek design, impressive display, and powerful features. However, accidents happen, and one of the most common issues users face is a cracked or damaged screen. Fortunately, you don't have to replace your entire phone if the screen breaks. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of galaxy s9 screen replacement step by step.

Why Replace the Galaxy S9 Screen?

Before we delve into the replacement process, it's essential to understand why you might need to replace your Galaxy S9 screen. Common reasons include:

Cracked Screen: Accidental drops or impacts can result in a cracked or shattered screen, impairing the device's functionality and aesthetics.

Unresponsive Touchscreen: If your touchscreen isn't responding correctly or has dead spots, it may be time to replace the screen.

Display Issues: Problems such as distorted colors, lines, or a completely black screen can be indicative of a damaged display.

Water Damage: Exposure to water or moisture can cause display issues, necessitating a screen replacement.

Tools and Materials Needed

Before you begin the screen replacement process, gather the following tools and materials:

Replacement Screen: Ensure you purchase a compatible replacement screen for the Galaxy S9.

Screwdriver Set: You'll need a small Phillips-head screwdriver to open the device.

Plastic Pry Tools: These are essential for safely opening the phone without causing further damage.

Heat Gun or Hair Dryer: To soften the adhesive securing the screen.

Adhesive Strips: To reattach the new screen securely.

Anti-static Wrist Strap: To protect the phone from static electricity.

Tweezers: Useful for handling small components.

Microfiber Cloth: To clean the device and screen.

The Galaxy S9 Screen Replacement Process

Now, let's get into the step-by-step process of replacing the screen on your Galaxy S9.

Warning: Before starting, make sure to power off your phone and disconnect it from any power sources.

Remove the Back Cover:

Begin by heating the back cover of your Galaxy S9 using the heat gun or hair dryer. Apply gentle heat for a few minutes until the adhesive softens. Once heated, use plastic pry tools to carefully remove the back cover. Be cautious not to damage any internal components.

Disconnect the Battery:

Inside the phone, locate the battery connector and carefully disconnect it. This step is crucial to ensure your safety while working on the phone's internals.

Remove the Screws:

Using the Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the screws securing the phone's motherboard and other components. Keep track of the screws and their locations as they vary in size.

Detach the Motherboard:

Gently lift the motherboard and disconnect any ribbon cables and connectors attached to it. Set the motherboard aside safely.

Heat and Separate the Old Screen:

Apply heat to the edges of the broken screen to soften the adhesive. Once the adhesive is soft, use plastic pry tools to carefully separate the old screen from the device. Take your time to avoid damaging the underlying components.

Clean the Device:

Use a microfiber cloth to clean any residue and dust from the device's frame.

Attach the New Screen:

Carefully place the new screen in position and secure it using adhesive strips. Ensure it aligns correctly with the frame.

Reassemble the Device:

Reverse the steps you took to disassemble the phone. Reconnect the motherboard, secure it with screws, and attach the battery. Make sure all connections are secure.

Power On and Test:

Power on your Galaxy S9 and test the new screen to ensure it functions correctly. Check the touchscreen, display quality, and responsiveness.

Replace the Back Cover:

Apply a small amount of heat to the back cover to soften the adhesive, then carefully attach it back to the device.


Replacing the screen on your galaxy s9 screen replacement is a challenging but achievable task with the right tools, patience, and attention to detail. If you're uncomfortable performing this repair yourself, consider seeking professional assistance to ensure the job is done correctly. A properly replaced screen can give your Galaxy S9 a new lease on life, allowing you to continue enjoying its features and functionality.

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Johny Max 33
Joined: 9 months ago
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