A guide to choosing the right foam party supplies for your event.

A guide to choosing the right foam party supplies for your event.
6 min read


Deciding on the right foam party supplies for your event is important. You want everything to look great, but you also want it to be easy and fun. This guide will help you choose the right shapes and colors for any occasion!

Decide on your theme

Before you begin shopping, it’s important to decide on your theme. What does it mean to you? What does it mean for others? What does it mean for the world? Once you know this, then it can be easier to decide which materials are right for your event.

If you have no idea what kind of party or event you want to throw, start by thinking about what makes up an ideal day in your life. Is there a specific place where every time feels like home? If so, then maybe something tied into that would work well as part of a party theme! Or maybe there's something else that sparks creativity: maybe someone has been going through some tough times lately and wants some fun memories with friends who care about them—maybe they just need a night out dancing until their feet hurt too much!

In addition to making sure that everything fits together nicely within both physical space (such as tables being close enough together so people don't have room between them) and budget limitations ($20 per guest), consider also how much time will be spent decorating each room of the house beforehand before guests arrive at al.

Decide what you want your party to look like

Before you head out to buy party supplies, it's important to decide what kind of party foam you want. Do you want a small event with only a few people? Or do you want an extravaganza with hundreds of guests? If so, how many people will this be? Is it for family members or friends only?

If the answers are yes, no and maybe (or even if they're any other combination), then this is where your decision-making process begins. Once again: think about the kind of party that makes sense for who's attending and why they're coming along.

Consider color, shape and size of your shapes.

  • Size. The size of your shapes can make a big difference in how they look and how long it takes you to complete them. If you're making small shapes, such as cupcake toppers or cake pops, consider using larger balloons instead of smaller ones — this will ensure that the finished product is proportionate with its surroundings (and won't be too small).
  • Color. If you're planning on using multiple colors in each shape, make sure those colors complement each other well so they don't clash together when inflated or deflated during use!

Select your foam shapes and colors.

It's important to pick the right colors, shapes and sizes for your party. The easiest way to do this is by choosing from our wide selection of foam shapes, which can be customized with different colors and sizes. We also offer a variety of colored foams for your event; these are great if you want something bright but still have a more subtle look than pure white or black would provide!

Think about the tools you will use to make your shape.

When choosing a foam party supplies, it's important to think about the tools you will use to make your shape. You need to decide on the size of the tool and if it's going to be round or flat. You also need to think about what shape that tool is going to be. This can be anything from a square block of foam, an octagon (like an ice cream cone) or even an oval! The size of this piece will depend on how large or small you want your finished product so keep this in mind when making your selection. Finally, once you've decided on all three things above then color matters too! If you're planning on using black letters on white backgrounds then go ahead with light colors like reds/pinks because these are more vibrant than ones which are dark tones like blue blacks etceteras...

You need to decide on all of these things before you get started on making the foam shapes.

You need to decide on all of these things before you get started on making the foam shapes.

  • Theme: The theme of your party is important because it will help guide you in selecting the type of foam shapes and colors that will work best for your event. If you want a traditional event, then choose classic styles such as balls and stars. If you’re going for something more modern, then think about incorporating bright colors into your decorating scheme—and make sure that each shape matches one another so nothing gets lost in the mix!
  • Decorating style: Think about how much time and effort goes into designing an event like this; whether it’s simple or elaborate doesn't matter! But there are some basic things that every party should include (like food), so keep those in mind when deciding what kind of theme works best with yours."


We hope this guide has given you some ideas on what to consider when planning a foam party. You can use these tips to get started with your own foam party or let us know if there are any other questions that we can answer for you!

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