How to do a foam party at home?

How to do a foam party at home?
6 min read
17 December 2022


Foam parties are a great way to let kids and adults get together, have fun, and make new friends. They’re especially good for parties in the summer, when there are no school sports or other activities. If you’re planning a foam party at home, here are some tips on how to do it successfully:

Buy or rent a foam machine.

You can buy an airless sprayer or rent one. A rental is usually cheaper, but it takes a lot of time to set up and you might not want to pay for someone else's equipment. If you buy an airless sprayer, make sure that it's easy for kids and adults—and make sure it has all of the safety features necessary for children (such as a lid).

Place the machine on a raised platform or stage.

Before you begin, make sure the machine is stable. If it wobbles or leans, this can cause problems for everyone involved in the party. You'll want to ensure that your platform is large enough to accommodate all of the guests who will be attending.

It's also important that you choose a sturdy and well-anchored base for your foam party. The last thing anyone wants is for their guests' favorite treat to fall over!

Fill the reservoir of the machine with foam solution and water.

To fill your machine with foam solution and water, you'll need to use a funnel or measuring cup. You should also make sure that the reservoir is full and warm before adding any more liquid.

The right amount of liquid depends on the type of foam you are creating—for example, if you want to make an egg-shaped foam for decoration purposes then it needs less than if you were planning on making a foot-shaped one (which would require much more).

Choose a space indoors or outdoors?

There are two ways to go about this. The first is to choose a space indoors, and the second is to choose a space outdoors. If you have a small group of friends that want to celebrate together, then it’s best for everyone involved if you do the foam party inside as well. It’s more fun when other people are around!

If your group is larger than 12 people, then I recommend hosting your event in an outdoor space like your yard or backyard area because it will be easier for them all attend from afar (or even from far away). This way they don't need expensive equipment like trampolines or bouncy houses—just some chairs would suffice!

Set the machine to the desired foam output level.

To start, you'll need to set the machine to the desired foam output level. This is done by turning on or off the power switch and adjusting it so that it's just barely turned on. Then, press down on a button labeled "FOAM" until you see a light glimmer underneath it—this means that your machine has been activated and is waiting for input from you!

Now that we've got all this set up, let's take a look at some of these features:

  • Automatic shut-off: The machine will automatically stop after a set time (usually 30 seconds) or if there are no more uses left in its reservoir (usually about 3). If it does run out of juice before then though, don't worry! You can still use your machine as long as there are still some pieces left over in its reservoir at least once more before shutting down completely.* Automatic shut-off: There are two types here: one where everything shuts off after reaching capacity; another where everything shuts down once either running out of juice or when reaching capacity

Turn on the machine and enjoy the foamy fun!

To turn on the foam machines, press the “Start” button. The unit will start making foam at the rate of 1 litre per minute.

If you have any problems with your machine or want to know how long it takes for your foam to dry, read below:

  • If there are no clogs in your hose, then turn off the water supply by pressing down on a lever near where it connects to your sink or basin. Now turn back on again using this same lever so that all pressure is released from inside pipes before turning them back on again.*

Foam parties are healthy fun for all ages.

Foam parties are a great way to have fun and get exercise, but they're also good for your health. For one thing, foam parties are great for the environment. They help keep our planet clean by reducing waste and pollution from foam party materials that would otherwise be thrown away.

Foam parties are also good for kids because they can play together without having to worry about being hit or hurt by another child who doesn't know how to play properly yet!


There's no doubt that foam parties are a great way to get the family together and have fun. The foam machine is a great investment for your home and will provide hours of entertainment as well as being good exercise for everyone.

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