A guide to making pillows last longer

3 min read

Pillows are an essential part of people’s daily lives. They offer support and comfort while we rest. However, like other household items, pillows lose their effectiveness in the long run. So, if you have recently bought a new pillow or looking for ways to extend the life of your pillows, consider the following methods:

Fluff pillows regularly

In the long run, the pillows you purchase tend to lose their shape. They also become flat and uncomfortable. To prevent this problem, you can build a habit of fluffing your pillows regularly. You can easily fluff your pillow by hand. However, it is best to be gentle when fluffing the pillow to avoid damaging its integrity.

Fluffing properly can redistribute the filling inside the pillow. This way, you ensure that it maintains its original shape and support. Fluffing also removes atmosphere dust from the pillows

Choose with care

The best way to prolong the life of your pillow is to make the right choice. For this, you need to invest in high-quality pillows for your space. Such pillows are usually made of durable materials like memory foam. They are also typically designed to withstand the test of time. Such high-quality pillows might be slightly expensive. However, they are an excellent investment for ensuring long-term comfort.

Clean with care

Like mattress covers, you can buy your pillows online. However, once you purchase the pillows, you need to keep them clean and hygienic. For this, carefully go through the care instructions mentioned on the pillow's label. This lets you ensure you are caring for them the right way. For example, some pillows may be made of hygienic material and not require washing. Instead, if you spill something, you could clean the spot with warm water and mild soap.

Store pillows properly

Sometimes, you may not use your pillows regularly. Alternatively, you may have extra pillows. In such cases, you need to store them properly. This prevents them from getting damaged. Keep them in a cool, dry place and store them away from direct sunlight. You should also avoid cramming the pillows into tight spaces since this could deform the filling of the pillows.

Flip and rotate

Once you buy your pillows from home décor stores online and start using them, you need to flip and rotate your pillows. By rotating your pillow 180 degrees and changing the side you sleep on, you can distribute the wear and tear evenly. It also reduces pressure on one area. This can extend the lifespan of your pillow.


Now that you know the tips, you can consider these when trying to make your pillows last longer.

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Nayan Sharma 2
Joined: 7 months ago
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