AHRC Business Links: Fostering Innovation and Collaboration

AHRC Business Links: Fostering Innovation and Collaboration
5 min read
06 October 2023


In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, the collaboration between academia and industry is more critical than ever. The arts and humanities have a significant role to play in this collaborative ecosystem, providing fresh perspectives, creativity, and insight. The AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council) Business Links program is at the forefront of facilitating this collaboration, bridging the gap between the academic and business communities. In this article, we will explore the AHRC Business Links program and its role in fostering innovation and collaboration.

The AHRC Business Links Program

The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) is a UK government-funded agency dedicated to advancing research and innovation in the arts and humanities. One of its flagship initiatives is the AHRC Business Links program, which was established to encourage collaboration between researchers in the arts and humanities and businesses across various sectors.

At its core, the program aims to:

Facilitate Knowledge Exchange: AHRC Business Links acts as a bridge between academia and industry, helping businesses tap into the wealth of knowledge and expertise within the arts and humanities disciplines.

Drive Innovation: By bringing together diverse perspectives and expertise, the program promotes innovative thinking and problem-solving, leading to the development of new products, services, and approaches.

Boost Economic Growth: The collaboration between academia and industry can have a positive impact on the economy by fostering the growth of businesses, creating jobs, and enhancing competitiveness.

Enhance Cultural Understanding: The program also recognizes the value of the arts and humanities in fostering cultural understanding, creativity, and social cohesion.

Successful Case Studies

To illustrate the impact of the AHRC Business Links program, let's take a look at a few successful case studies:

Heritage Conservation and Technology Integration: In collaboration with a technology company, researchers from the humanities helped develop innovative ways to preserve and present cultural heritage sites. This not only enriched the visitor experience but also contributed to the sustainable management of heritage assets.

Film Industry and Audience Engagement: Academics from the humanities worked with a film production company to understand audience preferences and behavior. This collaboration led to more targeted marketing strategies and increased audience engagement.

Language Revitalization and Business Expansion: By partnering with linguists and anthropologists, a local business in a rural community was able to incorporate traditional languages into its branding and products. This unique approach not only preserved cultural heritage but also expanded the market for the business.

Benefits for Businesses

Businesses that engage with the AHRC Business Links program stand to gain numerous benefits:

Access to Expertise: Companies can tap into the knowledge and skills of researchers in the arts and humanities, gaining fresh perspectives and creative solutions to complex problems.

Competitive Advantage: Collaboration with academics can lead to the development of unique products and services that set a business apart from its competitors.

Innovation: Cross-disciplinary collaboration encourages innovation by bringing together individuals with diverse backgrounds and skill sets.

Networking Opportunities: Businesses can expand their network and establish valuable connections within the academic community, opening up new avenues for collaboration and growth.

Benefits for Academics

The benefits of the AHRC Business Links program extend to academics as well:

Real-World Impact: Researchers in the arts and humanities have the opportunity to see their work applied in practical, real-world settings, creating a sense of purpose and impact.

Funding and Resources: The program provides funding and resources to support collaborative projects, making it easier for academics to pursue their research goals.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Collaboration with businesses often involves working with experts from various fields, fostering interdisciplinary research and learning.

Career Development: Engaging with industry can enhance an academic's career prospects and provide opportunities for professional development.


The AHRC Business Links program exemplifies the importance of collaboration between academia and industry, particularly in fields traditionally associated with the arts and humanities. By fostering knowledge exchange, driving innovation, and promoting economic growth, this initiative showcases the transformative power of cross-sectoral partnerships.

In an increasingly interconnected world, the AHRC Business Links program serves as a model for how diverse disciplines can come together to tackle complex challenges and create meaningful change. Businesses benefit from the expertise and fresh perspectives of academics, while researchers find new avenues to apply their knowledge and make a real-world impact.

As we look to the future, initiatives like AHRC Business Links remind us of the immense potential that lies in collaboration and the value of harnessing the full spectrum of human knowledge to address the pressing issues of our time. Through continued support and investment in such programs, we can look forward to a more innovative, culturally enriched, and economically prosperous society.

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Daniel Henry 2
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