Benefits of Using a BMR Calculator

Benefits of Using a BMR Calculator
12 min read
23 January 2023

When you're trying to reach your fitness goals, it's helpful to know how many calories your organs need to work well. This shows how important it is to figure out your BMR. It can also help with a number of health problems. Some of the most important reasons to figure out your BMI are:

Weight Management

If you know your BMR, you'll know how many calories your body needs to work at its best. It will keep you from eating too many calories or too few.

It's not a secret that eating the right amount of calories is important for keeping your weight in check. Since the BMR calculator tells you exactly how many calories you need, you can plan how many calories you eat based on your fitness goals.

Basal Metabolic Rate is the amount of energy expended by an animal in a set period of time. Weight is a major component in the BMR Formula. In order to get the exact outcome for Kilograms and Libra Pounds, you have to need 1 Lbs to Kg Conversion.

Easy to plan meals

Most people try to lose weight quickly by following strict diet plans. These meal plans would say how many calories each food has. All of this takes away from the simple pleasure of eating.

By using a BMR calculator, you now know your BMR, which you can use to plan meals, snacks, cuisines, and other things. You don't have to count calories in a strict way that might not work for everyone.

Gain Muscle Strength

Taking care of your weight in a healthy way isn't just about losing weight. It also takes work to get stronger muscles. To gain more muscle and power, you need to work out more, which means you need more energy from the food you eat.

If you know your basal metabolic rate (BMR), you'll know how many calories to eat based on how hard you work out. Here, you can get help from a dietician or a gym trainer to reach your goals.

Take care of long-term conditions

PCOS and endometriosis are long-term conditions that need to be managed by cutting calories and moving around. BMR helps the body get the energy it needs when it has these diseases without making the person gain weight.

A research paper suggests that you do 30–60 minutes of aerobics and strength training (moderate exercise) every day. With the help of basal metabolic rate (BMR), you can quickly figure out how many calories your body needs and match that to how many calories you eat throughout the day. This gives you a permanent energy balance of +/- 300 calories.

Other Benefits

Since how many calories you eat and how much weight you carry have a big impact on your heart health, figuring out your BMR would indirectly help you take care of your heart health.

Eating poorly can lead to a number of lifestyle diseases. When you know how many calories you need, you can ask a nutritionist to help you make a healthy meal plan that will give you all the nutrients you need while keeping your calories in check. That will lower the risk of diseases caused by how you live.

Based on research, metabolic risk factors cause changes in the metabolic system and make lifestyle diseases more likely. Some of these diseases are high blood pressure, high glucose levels, fat in the blood, and being overweight.

If you know your BMR, it will help you figure out how to get to your ideal weight and health. That can help you live a healthier, happier life and feel better about yourself in general.

BMR Calculator to Help You Lose Weight

Your body's metabolism and how many calories you eat are important parts of your plan to lose weight. So, your goal should be to have a metabolism that works well and to know how many calories you need.

Weight is of paramount importance when calculating BMR. It is also essential for us to maintain a healthy body weight. Eating well and exercising are the keys to doing so. We can use the 123 Lbs to Kg converter to convert Pounds to Kilograms by multiplying the number of Pounds by 0.45. To convert 123 Lbs  to kg, we must multiply 123 by 0.45, resulting in 55.35 Kilograms.

Once you know how much energy your body naturally uses, you can use that information to help you reach your weight loss goals by changing how many calories you eat and how much exercise you do.

Once you know your BMR numbers, it's also easy to figure out how many calories you've eaten too many or too few of.

Step 1: Write down everything you eat and drink in a day.

Step 2: Take away your BMR or how much energy you use.

Step 3: Take away the number of calories you burned through exercise.

The number that comes out shows whether there are too many or too few calories.

Here's an example to help you understand:

Aman is a 35-year-old man who is 157 cm tall and weighs 75 kg. He wants to get in shape and reach his goals for fitness. So, he uses a BMR calculator to figure out what his BMR is. Since he can only work out one to three times a week, the BMR calculator says he needs 2147 calories a day to do basic things.

Here's how Aman used his BMR to figure out if he was heading in the right direction:

Taking in food (for nutrition) throughout the day: 2,460 calories

BMR = 2,147 calories

When you run for 20 minutes, you burn 200 calories.

When you lift weights for 25 minutes, you burn 125 calories.

Resulting number = 2460-2147-200-125 = (-12) calories

Since the result is negative, this means that Aman is taking in less energy than he is using.

It's not a secret that you'll lose weight if you do this, since weight loss happens when you eat less than you burn. But that doesn't mean you have to go hungry. Instead, you can use your BMR to plan what you eat and how much you work out. You don't have to follow a strict diet, but you should be aware of how much you eat based on your BMR and how much you move.

Activity Levels, Weight Loss, and Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

Along with what you eat, how active you are during the day is a very important part of your BMR reading. This is because your daily calorie needs are directly related to how active you are.

During the week, the type, intensity, and number of workouts can change. So, there are no rules about what kind of exercise you can do or how you can do it. It can include things like jogging, swimming, dancing, yoga, Zumba, playing basketball, and doing daily tasks like washing clothes, etc.

Sorting exercises and activities by how hard they are

Moderate exercise is activity that raises your heart rate for 15 to 30 minutes.

Intense exercise is any activity that raises your heart rate and lasts 45–120 minutes.

Very intense exercise is any activity that keeps your heart rate up for two hours or more.

Sorting exercises and activities by how often they are done

Sedentary: Not much or any exercise

Light workouts once to three times a week

Moderately working out four to five times a week

Intense exercise 6–7 days a week

Very hard physical work every day (labour work)

How Many Calories You Need Each Day Based on How Often You Exercise or Do Physical Activity Ratio

Not moving much or not at all: Your calorie requirement is BMR*1.2

One to three times a week, do light exercises: Your calorie requirement is BMR*1.375

Moderate Workouts four or five times a week: Your calorie requirement is BMR*1.55

Exercises that are hard three to four times a week: Your calorie requirement is BMR*1.725

Very hard workouts every day: Your calorie requirement is BMR*1.9

Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) would change based on the type and amount of activity you do each day of the week. For example, if you want to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you get from food. Based on what your BMR says, you should do both of these.

In a recent blog post, the Harvard Medical School listed 30 exercises and how many calories a person would burn doing each one for 30 minutes.

Also, it said how many calories people of three different weights (57 kgs, 70 kgs, and 84 kgs) would burn if they did them. These may seem too strict, but they might give you an idea of what it's like.

Difference Between BMR and RMR

RMR and BMR are both ways to measure the amount of energy your body uses. Even though a lot of people use them interchangeably, they are not the same thing. RMR stands for "resting energy expenditure," or the amount of energy you burn while you're just sitting still.

"Basal energy expenditure," on the other hand, is the amount of energy you use just to keep your body running. A simple way to tell them apart is:

RMR is a way to figure out how many calories your body burns at rest (resting metabolic rate).

The BMR, or basal metabolic rate, is the number of calories your body needs to do its most important tasks, like breathing, making new cells, controlling temperature, etc.

Both sound about the same, and keeping an eye on your RMR or BMR can give you a good idea of how much energy your body needs. The main difference is that one formula gives you a more accurate estimate of your BMR than the other.

What Food Does to Your BMR

After you eat, your BMR goes up because it takes energy to eat, digest, and use the food you just ate. The rise starts soon after you eat and reaches its highest point two to three hours later. Studies show that the BMR can change by between 3% and 5%, depending on the size of the meal and the type of food eaten.

BMR is raised by different amounts by different foods. For instance:

By 0–5%, fats raise the BMR.

The BMR goes up by 5–10% when you eat carbs.

20–30% of the BMR is added by proteins.

Foods that are hot and spicy, like those with chilli, horseradish, and mustard, can have a big thermic effect.

In conclusion

To reach any fitness goal, calories are the key. If you keep track of everything you eat and do, you may be able to figure out how many calories you take in or burn. But knowing how many calories you burn at rest and when doing simple things can help you decide how many calories you should eat.

Once you know the exact number of calories your body needs to work normally, it can be easier to plan and carry out your fitness goals. This shows why it's important to figure out your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).

Since your BMR can be different for each person, it's important to figure it out in the right way and with the right formula. But there are times when it's hard. So, it's best to use the BMR calculator that was made by experts with the help of nutritionists and dieticians.

So, use HealthifyMe's BMR calculator, which is the most accurate one out there. It will help you figure out what your body needs to help you reach your goals.


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James Carl 2
Joined: 1 year ago
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