Best open source and free hosting control panel

Best open source and free hosting control panel
3 min read

ZesleCP Control Panel

Best open source and free hosting control panel

A lightweight, quick, and secure Linux hosting control panel is ZesleCP. With a few clicks, you can create any website, including WordPress, and manage your server with ease.


The compact and feature-rich web hosting control panel ZesleCP. This Zesle Software Inc. software is the fastest, safest, and most user-friendly GUI for Linux computers. Daily server management responsibilities are made simple by it, permitting you to focus on other organizations.

Best open source and free hosting control panel

Amazing features provided by ZesleCP include:


One-click Apps - WordPress can be installed and configured in less than five minutes with one-click apps.


SSH Keys - Manage your SSH keys with SSH Keys. Direct access to .ppk and .pem keys creation and revocation from your ZesleCP dashboard.


SSL Integration - Install your preferred SSL certificates using the SSL Integration feature. Certificate renewal and revocation include ONE-CLICK free Let's Encrypt SSL


File Manager - Take advantage of a brand-new, fully functional file manager to quickly do any file system-related chores.


Cron Job Manager - Cron tasks are almost always complicated. With our GUI Cron Manager, you can quickly schedule your jobs and commands.


Backup Wizard - Manage and transfer your website files and database backups securely.


Ultra Reliable - Expert system administrators on our 24/7/365 support team are working diligently to ensure your server is running at its best. We use the best procedures in our field, place servers in the top data centers, and guarantee that your server has the most recent security updates. Because of this, we guarantee that your network will be online more than 99.9% of the time.


ZesleCP Changelog:

Developer Friendly -  You're a seasoned developer who demands total command over your surroundings. You get it from us! You gain root access, allowing you to see and modify every file on your server. You get to pick your Linux operating system, and you can even instantly reload your server with a new operating system! You also have control over boot, shutdown, and reboot. Now we're getting down to business with hosting!

Best open source and free hosting control panel

System Requirements

Use a system that meets the requirements listed below to install ZesleCP:


CPU: 1GHz Linux Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04, CentOS 7/8


2 GB of memory


Disk Drive - 10+ GB

API Creation

Best open source and free hosting control panel

Use the following curl command, for instance, to generate a 4GB ZesleCP Droplet in the SFO2 area. Your API access token must be either saved to an environment variable or entered directly into the command below.

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khubaib jamil 3
Joined: 2 years ago
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