Business Astrology: Start a Successful Business Through Business Astrology by Date of Birth

Business Astrology: Start a Successful Business Through Business Astrology by Date of Birth
6 min read

Whatever business any person can do, there can be many options. The biggest thing is what kind of business you are interested in doing, how to do it, and whether the investment is to be made or not. Wherein astrology says that it needs to be verified from business yogas, transits, and Dashas while choosing or taking a decision on the suitable best business. All professions may not suit everyone and a person cannot do all professions according to his/her choice. It is similarly important to know what is the right occupation or business according to the birth chart. It is essential to know which professional line the planetary positions in the horoscope support for you. Astrology says that which business a person will do, is directly related to the person's date of birth.

Some people are born to lead. They don't just follow a path that is set for them by other natives. They have a headpiece that works in a very different way, rather than following someone else's. These are people who are exceptionally businessmen or traders. Want to know, are you one of those people born to be your boss? Well, this guide to business astrology has all such answers and a lot more. So let's uncover all the secrets.

What is Business Astrology or Business Astrology?

The most important house for business is the 7th house, 2nd house, and 9th house in the birth of Kundali. And Mercury is one such planet that should be seen first for doing any business or occupation. According to business astrologers, the various combinations that create a prosperous business consolidation in Kundali are as follows.

Such a combination of planets indicates that you can start a business – when the planets ruling the 2nd, 7th, and 9th house favor or aspect the lord planet of the 10th house, then this is a better time to start any business. Makes the best ascendant in the birth chart.

Planetary combinations that indicate that you will do well in business – Mercury should be in the 2nd house, 7th house, 9th house, or 11th house and Mercury should have a friendly relationship with the lord planets and ruling divinity of these houses.

Combinations of planets that indicate that your business cannot scale up or grow – When the ruling planet of the second house becomes weak due to the malefic effects of enemy planets. However, this doesn't mean that the business will unsuccessful. It just means that business will not be in progress.

Partnership in Business as per Business Astrology

Some people do better as exclusive masters of a business while others do better in a partnership. To know this part, the predictions according to business astrology are mentioned below.

Combinations of planets that suggest against the partnership in business

If the native/ruling planets of the 2nd house and 7th house become weak due to the malefic impacts of energy planets, then it is strongly hinting that you will never be able to do well in partnership. Even if the ruling planets of the 2nd house and the 7th house are similarly powerful in your Janam Kundali, you can never do well in business partnerships.

Planetary Combinations That Favor Business Partnerships

When either Jupiter, Moon, or Mercury is situated in the 2nd house and is powerful, you may consider partnering with your marrow spouse or a friend.

When the masters' planets of the 2nd and 7th house are not equally powerful, it is also an indication that you may start a beneficial business partnership with your spouse.

Even when Mercury is in the 2nd house or 7th house, if both houses are similarly strong, you will do good business in a partnership.

Business Sector According to Business Astrology

Sometimes natives are not prosperous in business even though they have a powerful planetary combination that predicts that the person is made for doing business. If this is happening to you, it means that you are in the wrong line of business.

Vyvsaaye Jyotish or Business Astrology by date of birth shows the field of business that one should choose according to the planetary alignment. Come, let us see which planet indicates which sector of business.

  • Sun Emblem is a business in the government sector.
  • Mercury indicates that you should choose marketing type business in marketing or media.
  • Planet Jupiter is the significator (Karaka) of education, learning, consultation, lottery, and gambling.
  • The Moon is a symbol of a beneficial business in the meal industry.
  • Saturn is great for the real estate and garment business.
  • Venus shows the possibility of giant achievement in the telecommunication and entertainment industry.
  • Mars is remunerative for business in car manufacturing and sales.
  • Rahu gives success in businesses like gambling.
  • Ketu opens up a successful business opportunity in the IT field sector.


Starting a business is easy but it requires a lot of planning. To be successful in business, many aspects have to be considered. A person can do his business in the same field in which he is interested. When you start a business in any field according to your interest, then your chances of being successful in it increase. At the same time, being successful in business is also related to the movement of planets. If you want to start your business or have success in business or loss in business, then for all these things you can know the position of planets in your horoscope by talking to astrologers online. Business astrology is very useful for its in-depth study.


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Mark Bruce 2
Joined: 1 year ago
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