Company Management Structure, Roles, and Responsibilities

Company Management Structure, Roles, and Responsibilities
2 min read

While registering a company, a company must have a well-structured management system for its success. Without a proper management structure, companies risk chaos and inefficiency. For a well-structured company management system that ensures its proper roles and responsibilities, encourage the organization to work together to achieve the organizational goals.

There are three types of management structures in a company: which are

  1. Hierarchical structures, in which power decisions are made at the top of the organization, mainly by the CEO or other top executives;
  2. Flat structure: This structure encourages creativity and innovation and encourages employees to take responsibility for their work.
  3. Matrix structure: It combines both the features of hierarchical and flat structures.

Roles in a company:

  • Role of shareholder: Shareholders hold shares in the company as they are entitled to have the right to be represented by directors at board meetings.

  • Role of Directors: Shareholders select the board of directors to represent the interests of the company.

There are two directors in a Private limited company registration.

Three directors are required in a public limited company.

1 director in a one-person company in India

  • Role of officers: The role of officers also plays a vital role in the company, as they are appointed by the board of directors to hold various roles and responsibilities in the company. The officers of the company are the CEO, COO,CFO,COO, CTO, and CMO.

Setting goals and objectives, developing different strategies, hiring new talent, and managing risk are the Responsibilities of Company management. Although it may depend on the size of the business, these responsibilities will apply to the majority of the organization. At JustStart, if you want to know more about the organization's reality, roles, and responsibilities before starting a business, a well-managed team of professionals will guide you through every step.

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