Cybersecurity Is Failing And Hackers Are Winning

Cybersecurity Is Failing And Hackers Are Winning
5 min read
29 November 2022

Ask any cyber security professional or managed IT services provider and they will all tell you that cybersecurity is failing and hackers are winning their attacks against businesses.

There has been a massive exponential growth in the cybersecurity industry over the last 20 years since the turn of the century. It has been predicted that the value of cybersecurity will nearly double again soon, according to well-known cybersecurity experts and cyber security companies. There is no question that technology, IT infrastructure, and cloud services are less secure than they have ever been resulting in a higher rate of cyberattacks from hackers and cyber criminals.

The number of hacks that occur on a regular basis has gone up alarmingly in the last few years based on managed IT services providers.  This ranges in size and scope from ransomware attacks carried out by novice cybercriminals to sophisticated cyber security breaches perpetrated by state-sponsored hackers in China, Russia, and the United States.

Cybersecurity Is Failing and Hackers Are Winning 2

There is a growing number of cyber security professionals who believe that despite the rapid increase in dollars spent on cybersecurity, it is more difficult than ever for them to determine whether it is even possible to stop all cyber attackers.

There are several other companies that publish reports identifying new hacking groups, including KasperskyTrend MicroPalo AltoFidelis, and CrowdStrike. These all show that cybersecurity is failing, and hackers are winning. Despite this, the reports are rarely attributed to a specific country or group, mainly because modern technology makes it almost impossible to identify who is behind most cyberattacks according to cybersecurity professionals.

Many business leaders believe that cybersecurity is failing, and hackers are winning, which is a clear sign of the industry’s importance. In order to hold a successful cyber security conference, cybersecurity companies need to hire former army generals, just as defense companies need former army generals as well as look into Cyber Security Training and Dark Web Monitoring.

Cybersecurity Is Failing and Hackers Are Winning 1

Many cybersecurity products and advice are available through managed IT services Toronto, but businesses do not know what to buy because there are so many options. There is a boom in cybersecurity companies now, and the industry is experiencing a lot of growth. Symantec, Kaspersky, McAfee, and Trend Micro, some of the biggest cybersecurity companies, had to admit last year that some of the products they sold to their own customers contained vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers. Another example is that cybersecurity is failing, and hackers are winning. Good news is managed IT services in Toronto are proactively managing cyber security.

In North America, over 50 percent of the population does not use the internet due to security and privacy concerns.

In the opinion of a large cybersecurity company and 365 iT SOLUTIONS, internet users face several problems that go unaddressed. As a result, there are several top minds in the cybersecurity field who work for the government on programs that identify vulnerabilities in systems, which are then exploited by intelligence agencies to gather information from them. It is the zero-day vulnerabilities that are the most valuable. They allow a hacker or cybercriminal to gain access to any system then can penetrate.

As far as hacker and cyber criminals are concerned, there is no doubt that they are winning the battle against IT departments. The good guys such as Managed IT Services Toronto, IT Outsourcing Services, and IT departments are in the dark for a number of reasons, whether it is because the government is keeping what it knows to itself, or the companies are hoarding what they know. Knowledge sharing is an issue in cyber security industry. There are a lot of hackers and cybercriminals who trade ransomware on the dark net as well as tips. This resulted from cybersecurity is failing and hackers are winning resulting in an ongoing battle for Managed Security Services and Tech Support Services,

It is estimated that in just a few years from now, the millions made through ransomware will be funneled back into criminal organizations looking for ever more sophisticated ways to hack into computers. Business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR)IT Support Services, and Cloud Services are crucial to protecting any organization.

365 iT SOLUTIONS is a CyberSecure Canada certified award-winning managed IT services provider in Toronto and offer qualified companies a complimentary data breach scan that will scan the darkweb for your compromised credentials by hackers and cybercriminals.

As a boutique Toronto IT consulting firm, We Make IT Simple!

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