Arnold Schwarzenegger almost went to the other side of the world because of a medical error

Arnold Schwarzenegger almost went to the other side of the world because of a medical error
3 min read
08 September 2023

Unfortunately, none of us are immune to other people's miscalculations. Even if you're the star of "Terminator", one of your operations can end in a very bad way. That's exactly what almost happened to Iron Arnie. Luckily, it didn't. But you can only imagine what the consequences could have been, can't you? What happened and what Schwarzenegger himself said about the medical error, you will find out with us in the next couple of minutes.

Schwarzenegger about the medical error

"I remember when I had open-heart surgery. My third one. It was a few years ago. Just before we started filming the sixth Terminator. I was very nervous. I woke up, and suddenly the doctors appeared in front of me and said: "We're sorry, but everything did not turn out as we planned," - admitted Arnold Schwarzenegger, telling about the medical error.

The whole thing is that during the operation, doctors accidentally pierced one of the walls of the heart. This, of course, should not have happened. This mistake could have cost the employees of the medical institution dearly. Moreover, in order to correct it, they had to urgently open the actor, in order to save his life.

Despite this turn of events and, as recognized by Iron Arnie himself, a real disaster, he did not have time to lie down in a hospital bed. After all, on the nose was the shooting, where he was to run, fight and lift weights. "The bottom line is that you can't rewind time. But at that moment, it was a disaster. I was in the middle of a disaster. And I needed to get out of that hospital".

"I looked like an idiot waddling down the halls"

Of course, easier said than done. Yes, and one can only envy the will and determination of the Hollywood actor to get back on his feet as quickly as possible. However, at first everything was not so rosy. So, for example, Schwarzenegger struggled to get out of bed and made only a few steps in the ward. It's worth noting that all of this was accomplished with the help of a walker.

"I even called my buddies and said: "You guys have to fire me up." Then I looked like an idiot waddling down the hallways. And I was walking because the doctors said I needed to exercise my lungs. You see, they said if I got pneumonia, I might die".

But Iron Arnie would not be himself, if he gave up so easily. And therefore soon the actor continued to recover at home. And, of course, he managed to be in time for the start of filming of the sixth part of "Terminator". "I wanted as soon as possible to start doing physical exercises, get out of the hospital and start training again. I had to be in shape."

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