Top 5 Android Hacking Apps – Free Hacking APKs for 2022

Top 5 Android Hacking Apps – Free Hacking APKs for 2022
4 min read
08 November 2022

Android is the most famous working framework on the planet and its client base comprises of numerous moral hacking fans. This has likewise enlivened various designers to make valuable moral hacking applications for Android.

To help our perusers who are keen on performing infiltration testing and criminology through their Android cell phones, we have chosen a rundown of the best free instruments for 2022 that can be utilized on your established and non-established gadgets. Our rundown incorporates famous telephone and Wi-Fi hacking applications like Hackode, zANTI, Shark for Root, and so on.

Top 5 Hacking Applications for Android Telephones in 2022

  1. Kali Linux NetHunter

Kali Linux NetHunter is the principal open source entrance testing stage for Android Nexus and OnePlus One gadgets. Upholds 802.11 remote edge infusion, Concealed console, 1-click MANA Malicious area of interest arrangements, BadUSB MITM assaults , and so on. Coming from perhaps of the most believed name in the field of moral hacking, go ahead and check it out and investigate it.

Nethunter center is comprised of three versions: Kali Linux holder with all Kali devices; Application Store with lots of applications; Android client to associate with Application Store

Elements of Kali Linux NetHunter

  • 11 remote casing infusion and AP mode
  • Full arrangement of Kali Linux instruments
  • NetHunter Light rendition installable on all Android cell phones
  1. Androrata

AndroRAT represents Android and Rodent (Far off Authoritative Devices). This free hacking instrument was delivered quite some time ago as a client/server application.

A group of 4 individuals created AndroRat for a college venture and it's perfect to see that it's turning into a famous Java-based application.

AndroRat gives you the adaptability to pursue the assistance right boot and control the Android framework from a distance. Don't bother interfacing with the telephone; it tends to be initiated through a SMS or a call.

Andro Rodent Elements:

  • Information assortment: contacts, call logs, area, messages
  • Remotely screen telephone status, settle on a telephone decision, send instant messages, open URLs, click pictures, and so on.
  1. Hack code

The second section in our rundown of the best Android hacking applications for 2022 is Hackode. It is an assortment of various devices for moral programmers, IT trained professionals, and entrance analyzers. Hackode highlights a sum of 3 modules: Observation, Examining, Security Feed.

Since this hacking application doesn't request your data, Hackode is the ideal method for beginning your moral hacking venture with the certainty of remaining private.

Hack code highlights:

  • Google Hack, SQL Infusion, MySQL Server
  • Whois Sweep, DNS Query, IP, MX Records, DNS Contrast, Security RSS Channel, Exploits
  1. ZANTI

Made by Zimperium, this versatile hacking suite accompanies various generally utilized entrance testing instruments. This set-up of apparatuses empowers IT managers to mimic a high level hacking climate to distinguish different malignant strategies.

zANTI could be known as a hacking application that brings the force of Backtrack to your Android gadget. When you sign into zANTI, it maps the whole organization and tracks visited sites alongside its treats, on account of ARP store harming on gadgets.

Highlights of zANTI:

  • Network checks at various power levels
  • Analyze defects utilizing tests like MITM, Metasploit, secret word speculating
  1. FaceNiff

FaceNiff permits you to catch and track your WiFi network traffic utilizing an established cell phone. It is generally used to sneak around on individuals' Facebook, Twitter and other long range informal communication sites utilizing your Android gadget. This programmer's number one apparatus prepares treats from the WiFi organization and gives the assailant unapproved admittance to the casualty's record. Notwithstanding, we suggest utilizing it just for moral purposes and continuing solely after acquiring consent from the proprietor of the objective gadget.

FaceNiff is created by Bartosz Ponurkiewicz, a similar engineer who composed Firesheep to hack Firefox on the work area.

Please note that you need a rooted smartphone to run this app. Its free version is limited to be used only for 3 profiles; for more, you can buy the pro version.

Features of FaceNiff:

  • Supported services: Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Amazon, Blogger, etc.
  • In-app purchase


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wasim tariq 125
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