How Do You Calculate the ROI of SEO?

How Do You Calculate the ROI of SEO?
5 min read

You probably began your SEO efforts with great aspirations of getting 10 times greater organic visitors to your website. This was probably one of your initial goals.

The good news is that organic search is accountable for 53% of any and all site traffic over most sites, so you can be certain that your focus on SEO is not for naught.

The bad news is that it requires awhile for search engine optimization (SEO) to perform its magic. It is not a game that can be won quickly, nor is it one that is simple to master. You have a number of obstacles to conquer before you can begin to see the results of your hard work.

These obstacles include demonstrating to higher-ups in your firm that they should continue to have trust in your work and continually learning new strategies on the fly. Hence, if you have gone through the above points and still didn't find any solution, don't lose hope. Just hire an SEO company India like Opt SEO and get it done from experts!

A Data-Driven Guide to Evaluating the Effectiveness of Your SEO Campaign

Utilize Google Analytics to Monitor How Well SEO Is Working

It's most probable that you already had Google Analytics (GA) installed on your website; if not, get it done as soon as possible! However, are you taking use of all the features it has to offer? Non-specialists will find it easier than they anticipated to work with GA.

An excellent tutorial that will familiarize you with the different ways in which you can utilise GAs to acquire greater insight into current SEO performance has been developed by AHREFS.

Conversion Tracking Has to Be Set Up in Google Analytics

If you own an online store that accepts payments from customers, GA can assist you in calculating how much of a contribution your website's traffic makes to those sales. You can find detailed instructions on how to set up eCommerce tracking in your Google Analytics account on the Google website.

After you have conversion tracking set up, you will be able to view your site's conversion rate, as well as the total transactions, total revenue, and average order value.

Perform A/B Testing on Your SEO Approach

You may run a variety of different tests, based on the company goals that are driving your SEO strategy, to see whether or not any particular optimization has an influence on the overall performance of your site and conversion rates.

RankScience's SEO A/B testing techniques allow you to compare the performance of two versions of a webpage by allowing you to make adjustments to one version of the page while leaving the other version unchanged.

For instance, if your objective is to increase the quality of insights generated from your website, you might do an A/B test on the meta descriptions as well as title tags on your website to determine whether or not any changes result in visits of a higher quality or improved user engagement. You will want to monitor your organic traffic, click-through rate, conversion rate, average order value, and other metrics inside GA to look for any signs of progress.

Calculate Organic Results Channel Value Utilizing Multi-Channel Conversion Visualizer

Multi-Channel Conversion Visualizer is a tool made available by GA for the purpose of assisting eCommerce site owners in identifying the source (or sources) of a transaction. You will be able to see the most recent channel that a user visited just before to completing a purchase when you utilise this tool. In addition to this, it sheds insight on the entire conversion route by revealing the many channels and properties that a customer interacted with before becoming a buyer. This is a really useful feature.

Perform An Analysis Of The Return On Your Investment

Calculating the return on investment (ROI) from search engine optimization is actually rather simple if you have all of the necessary data.

You may accomplish this by using the following formula:

Value of Conversions minus Cost of Investment = Cost of Investment / Value of Conversions

Let's figure out an example, shall we? Assuming that your SEO campaign earned $200,000 over the course of a month and that the expenditures connected with all this were $40,000

If we enter these values into the formula up top, we obtain the following results

($200,000 - $40,000) / $40,000 = 4

In this particular situation, you received a yield of $4 for every $1 that you invested in SEO.

To put it another way, the return on investment here is 400%. (4 x 100 to get a percentage). That is the extent of the matter.


All these mentioned details helps you view with numerous aspects of data that Google Analytics can give. It includes traffic segmentation, referring sites, and user behavior, all of which are vital for establishing the worth of an SEO campaign, which is why we enjoy it so much.

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Scarlett Watson 1.5K
I am a professional writer and blogger. I’m researching and writing about innovation, Blockchain, technology, business, and the latest Blockchain marketing tren...

I am a professional writer and blogger. I’m researching and writing about innovation, Health, technology, business, and the latest digital marketing trends. 

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