Is the metaverse future of video games? Learn more about it, read on!

3 min read
02 February 2023

Is the metaverse future of video games? Learn more about it, read on!

Metaverse is the 3D version of what the computer industry believes is the next generation of the internet. It is 3D space where humans experience life in ways as real life in the virtual world. Real people use online games and apps to enter and interact with others in these 3D worlds, where they represent themselves as avatars. To experience next generation gaming, players are accessing the metaverse’s real world. While metaverse can be either centralized or decentralized, gaming companies focus on decentralized projects because the future is decentralized.

The technologies behind the powers

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies are used.Augmented Reality is an immersive real-time use of information in texts, images, and sounds overlaid in a real-world environment. Virtual Reality is entirely digital, where all the texts, photos, and sounds are digital.

Blockchain is defined as the digital ledgers, used to record the transactions of sales and purchases of who, what, when and why. It is an advanced database system that allows transparent information sharing within a business network. Cryptocurrencies, also known as crypto, is a form of any currency that exists digitally or virtually and uses cryptography to secure transactions. Cryptography doesn’t have any regulating authority or central issuing but instead uses a decentralized system to record transactions and issue new units.

Internet of Things (IoT) is  a network of things or any object embedded with technologies such as software sensors. The technologies facilitate the connection of data to different devices via the internet.

The future of games!

The Metaverse gaming industry is an advanced version of online video games where we can play and earn. It has become a mainstream technology and the next big thing that will change the face of the gaming world. It’s a step forward, and it might surface before you realize its power to uplift virtual reality. Immersive gameplay is the main focus of gaming. Now with the power of the metaverse, gaming becomes a new source of income and turns entire focus on it.  Gaming and the Metaverse would be a new gaming era that combined the Metaverse with NFTs, assets, portable game assets, the level of advanced immersive gameplay, and earnings, among other factors.


While Metaverse is still in its early stages, many companies have launched next generation gaming platforms. Artificial intelligence (AI), Extended Reality (ER) are some other technologies also used in the metaverse gaming industry. So that we can metaverse is probably at the top of the list which gives a shape to our digital future.

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Mathew Wade 12
Joined: 2 years ago
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