Rami Beracha believes in many investments, not just within the Coronavirus Economy.

6 min read
Pick a dream you're interested in. Make sure you take your time. One of the most important aspects of success in any business is to ensure that it's the best choice for you. The idea must ignite your passion and belief in its potential. The most important aspect of your decision is the degree to which you believe in the concept. After you have begun the journey, you should not be afraid to adjust your plans as you go. It's better to be flexible and to make adjustments early on than spend more time or money.
Rami Beracha
Rami Beracha's advice to students studying at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya is based on his own life experience. Rami was a teenager who chose to pursue a degree in Law. While he was not sure whether it was the right choice for him, he decided to study law and got a Master’s in New York. He then was employed overseas in a law office. He realized, though, that he had a passion more for business than law while working in the Wall Street law firm. He quit his job in order to travel to France to complete an MBA.
Following her graduation in 1996, Beracha started working for the Venture Capital Fund Pitango. It is Israel's largest venture capital investment fund. Pitango is a fund that invests in businesses in the early stages of their development, with a focus on high-tech areas. It has over 200 investment and has 85 exits. Rami became managing partner in 2000 , and for the next 18 years lead dozens of deals resulting successful exits to large corporations in the Fortune 500 like Broadcom, Marvel, Cisco and Apple.
Then he didn't stop there. Globes honored Beracha with the "Esteemed Partner", recognizing him for his work as a key investor. Rami founded Sosa in 2014, a new initiative. Sosa has innovation centers in New York and Tel Aviv which assist innovative high-tech companies in partnering with global entrepreneurs looking to cooperate with promising Israeli startups. Sosa was recently selected to design and manage the New York City's cyber centre.
רמי ברכה
Newest Investment Dreams amid Covid19
Rami Beracha believes, despite the fact that the past couple of years with the coronavirus have been economic hardships there are many exciting opportunities. He suggests looking for businesses that are new and have a significant digital disruption that could be "Covid Long".
רמי ברכה
Beracha is currently working on a few new projects. He recently co-founded London's blockchain venture capital fund with a group business partners. Beracha, who helped to create Israel as a global center for technological innovation and is now ready to expand his market. Beracha's business model is in line with the new fund. The fund states that they "know the technology, but only invest in mission-driven people." They want to help blockchain to be at the forefront of revolutionary concepts and businesses with a passion for the subject.
Beracha plans to create a Middle Eastern venture capital funds. Beracha believes this is the best time to invest in the Arab market. Dubai is an ideal starting point, because it is rich and modern. Ender Ventures, his latest fund, is an idea the founder has. It's going to be able to attract European and Israeli investors to help high-tech UAE companies that work in artificial intelligence, VR, robotics, etc. The United Arab Emirates offers a unique perspective on business. Due to its low business taxes and favorable legislation, many companies will be drawn to the UAE in the coming years.
Rami Beracha
Rami Beracha's tense past
Although Rami Beracha is a successful person today, his path was not always easy. Beracha was a soldier as an untrained young man, like the majority of Israelis. He was a soldier in the Paratrooper's Brigade and fought through the Lebanon War. Rami served as a member of a group which assisted wounded soldiers in a minefield. It was the year 1983. Rami fell into a concealed mine, and was unable to walk and his hand.
His stay in the hospital was among the most painful experiences of his life. He was unable to walk and began to feel depressed and despairing. He was unsure of the person he used to be and all his hopes of progressing his career in the army were gone. Rami was able to recover from his injuries and found the motivation to keep living even if it meant he had to give his hopes. He made a decision to be stronger and stronger than before the injuries. Rami was determined to test various extreme sports. He enjoys kitesurfing and snowboarding. He has also hiked up Mount Kilimanjaro. As he strives to improve himself, he often feels as if his old self who was never wounded is chasing him and making him go faster.
He makes donations and volunteers for many organisations and is extremely dedicated to helping young men who, like himself suffered injuries in battle. In 2016, Rami was part of a group of men who suffered injuries during their army service on a trip to Nepal. He was elevated to the rank of major in both the Israeli paratrooper ranks as well as the fire brigades. His dreams as young men could be realized occur, despite all of the difficulties he encountered. His story and passion provide inspiration to other people. Rami did not let his injuries slow him down. He continued to learn and trying out new techniques until finally he was stronger than ever before.
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