Root Canal Therapy and Your Overall Health: How Infected Teeth Can Impact Your Well-Being

Root Canal Therapy and Your Overall Health: How Infected Teeth Can Impact Your Well-Being
7 min read

What are Infected Teeth?

A major dental issue like an infected tooth can have a big effect on your general health. A tooth infection can cause damage or inflammation to the pulp tissue inside the tooth, which can cause pain, sensitivity, and other symptoms. If the infection is not treated, it may spread to other bodily regions and result in a variety of medical issues.

Sepsis, a potentially fatal illness that develops when an infection spreads to the bloodstream, is one of the most adverse effects of an untreated tooth infection. In addition to abscess, sinusitis, osteomyelitis, and endocarditis, untreated oral infections can also lead to other health issues.

Here are some ways that infected teeth can impact your well-being:

  • Pain and Discomfort: An infected tooth can cause severe pain and discomfort, making it difficult to eat, drink, and speak.
  • Eating Difficulties: It can be challenging to feed and provide your body with the essential nutrients when an infected tooth is causing pain or discomfort.
  • Sleeping Problems: Having trouble falling asleep due to dental discomfort can have an adverse effect on your general health and well-being.
  • Spread of the Infection: If an infected tooth is not treated, the infection may travel to the bloodstream, sinuses, and jawbone, among other bodily areas.
  • Heart Disease: Research has linked untreated oral infections to a higher risk of developing heart disease.
  • Pregnancy Complications: Dental infections during pregnancy that are left untreated can raise the risk of preterm birth and low birth weight.
  • Diabetes: Dental infections that are left untreated might make it harder to control diabetes.
  • Oral cancer: Oral cancer is a rare consequence of an infected tooth.

To avoid future health issues, it's critical to seek treatment for an infected tooth as soon as you can.

What is a Root Canal?

Endodontic therapy, also known as root canal therapy, is a dental technique used to treat teeth that have developed an infection or inflammation in the pulp, the soft tissue inside the tooth. In order to stop future infection, the process entails extracting the diseased or damaged pulp from inside the tooth, cleaning the root canals, and filling and sealing them.

The pulp can get infected or swollen, which can be quite painful and sensitive. If the infection is not treated, it may spread to nearby tissues and result in more significant health consequences. The problematic tooth can be saved with root canal therapy while also being protected from additional issues.

In order to numb the region around the tooth, the surgery is typically carried out under local anesthesia. To access the pulp chamber and root canals, the dentist will cut a hole in the top of the tooth. The dentist will use specialized tools to gently remove any damaged or diseased pulp and clean the canals to get rid of any germs and debris.

In an effort to prevent future infection, the dentist will cover the cleaned root canals with a dental filling or crown and fill the canals with a specific substance, such as gutta-percha. Until the permanent filling or crown can be installed, a temporary filling may be used.

Patients may feel a little sensitive and uncomfortable after the operation for a few days. This is often treatable with over-the-counter painkillers, and discomfort will go away as the tooth recovers. Unless the tooth is completely healed, patients should refrain from chewing on items that are crunchy or hard.

Can a Root Canal Save an Infected Tooth?

YES! By removing the infected pulp and cleaning and sealing the root canals, a root canal therapy near you can save an infected tooth and prevent the need for extraction. With proper care, the treated tooth can last a lifetime, restoring the patient's ability to chew and speak comfortably.

Root Canal v/s Tooth Extraction

Choosing between a root canal and extraction may be crucial when a tooth is diseased or damaged. The best solution for you will depend on the particulars of your case, because both methods offer advantages and hazards.

Root Canal Therapy:

Preserves the natural tooth structure

  • Maintains proper chewing and speaking ability
  • Low risk of complications
  • Requires multiple appointments

Tooth Extraction:

  • Removes the damaged or infected tooth
  • Can be completed in a single appointment
  • Requires tooth replacement
  • May cause bone loss

Generally speaking, root canal therapy in South Edmonton is frequently chosen as the best alternative to preserve the original tooth structure and maintain regular eating and speaking functions. Nonetheless, extraction may be required if the damage is too extensive or the tooth cannot be salvaged. Before making a choice, it's critical to carefully consider the pros and cons of all your alternatives with a dentist near you.

How Does Getting a Root Canal Affect Your Overall Well-Being?

Your entire health can benefit from root canal treatment in a variety of ways. The following are a few ways that root canal treatment might improve your general health:

  • Pain relief: Root canal therapy can lessen the suffering brought on by an infected or inflamed tooth, which can enhance your general well-being and quality of life.
  • Better Nutrition: It might be challenging to eat and obtain the right nourishment for your body when you have a tooth that is diseased or hurting. By restoring your ability to chew and eat with ease, root canal treatment can enhance your general health.
  • Decreased Infection Risk: A tooth infection increases the risk of infection and other health issues by allowing germs to spread throughout the body. By removing the infection's cause, root canal treatment can stop germs from spreading to other body areas.
  • Decreased Risk of Heart Disease: Studies have linked gum disease and heart disease together. Root canal therapy can enhance your overall dental health and lower your risk of heart disease by treating an infected tooth.
  • Decreased Risk of Pregnancy Complications: Preterm delivery and low birth weight are also risks that are increased by dental infections during pregnancy. You can lower your chance of developing these pregnancy issues by getting root canal treatment for an infected tooth.
  • Better Diabetes Management: Diabetes management might be made more challenging by untreated tooth infections. You can enhance your general dental health and make it simpler to control your diabetes by having root canal therapy performed on a tooth that is infected.


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