Qurbani Donation 2024 - Donate Meat & Share Blessings This Eid al-Adha

Qurbani Donation 2024 - Donate Meat & Share Blessings This Eid al-Adha
3 min read

Eid al-Adha is Here: Donate a High-Quality Qurbani and Make a Lasting Difference:

This Qurbani2024 season, your sacrifice can be more than just a religious obligation. It can be a life-changing experience for a family in need.

Every Qurbani donation provides fresh, nutritious meat to those struggling with hunger. Imagine the joy on a child’s face who might not see meat all year except during Eid. Your contribution offers a nourishing meal and a reason to celebrate.

This year, we’re maximizing our impact. Instead of choosing a single country, you can direct your Qurbani donation to Asia, Africa, the Middle East, or even Where Most Needed. This flexibility allows us to reach the most critical areas, ensuring your sacrifice goes where it’s needed most.

Last year, we helped over 2.9 million people across 19 countries. This year, let’s break the record together. Donate a high-quality Qurbani today and be part of something bigger.

Qurbani Donation 2024 - Donate Meat & Share Blessings This Eid al-Adha


Split your donations across the blessed first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah and maximise the reward of these holy days.

Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: “There are no days on which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these ten days” (Bukhari), meaning the (first) ten days of Dhul-Hijjah.

Schedule your donations daily and don’t miss giving to those in need on these special days.

  • Please note that once your donations are scheduled, their scheduled dates can not be changed
Qurbani Donation 2024 - Donate Meat & Share Blessings This Eid al-Adha

For millions of people around the world, Eid lacks the joy and happiness, as families struggle just to get by. You can give a blessed gift this Eid that will make the world of difference.

Make this an Eid to remember, and make a bigger difference to those in need. Give an Eid gift that will uplift families and tackle poverty. Your gift will help ensure Eid is celebrated with the joy it should be, and that those living in poverty are not left behind.

You could give an Eid gift to an orphan; plant olive trees in Palestine to support Palestinian farmers, provide food to a family who would otherwise go hungry, or even provide clean and safe water for years to come.

These gifts will help give love, support, nourishment, hope, life and the chance for those in need to build their own sources of income

“This Eid, extend a hand of solidarity and support by making a donation for Palestine, bringing hope and relief to those in need amidst challenging times.”

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