Stages involved in surrogacy in Bangalore:

Stages involved in surrogacy in Bangalore:
2 min read

A surrogacy centre in Bangalore will provide top doctors and skilled medical staff offering advanced technologies and equipment. The couple and the surrogate mother in Bangalore will go through an ultrasound and blood tests to check their health conditions. These tests also help to find any genetic condition in the surrogate mother or female partner. These steps help prevent any genetic or health issues from being transmitted to the newborn child. These tests can increase the total surrogacy cost in Bangalore. A counselor will give counseling sessions to the surrogate mother and the female partner, which will again raise the cost of surrogacy in Bangalore. Counseling helps to relax the mental state of the surrogate mother and the couple, which will help in getting the best pregnancy outcome. The doctor at the best surrogacy clinic in Hyderabad will give reproductive injections to the female partner to stimulate the ovaries. Once the female partner starts producing mature eggs, the doctor will retrieve them with a catheter from the uterus. The male partner will give his sperm sample to the doctor. The best doctor may use the SSR (surgical sperm retrieval) method to collect the sperm sample if the male partner is not able to provide his best semen sample through ejaculation. The doctor at the surrogacy clinics in Bangalore will mix the sperm and the eggs by placing them on a petri plate. The ICSI method will be used during the mixing process, in which a single sperm will be injected into each egg. This will increase the success rate of fertilization. The doctor will monitor the fertilization process in a laboratory for the next few days. The embryos will be formed during this time. The best embryos will be selected for implantation. The doctor will use a catheter to transfer the best embryo into the uterus of the surrogate mother. After a few days, pregnancy will be confirmed with an ultrasound and blood tests. The intended parents need to provide emotional support, a proper diet, travel costs, and other necessary accommodations to the surrogate during the pregnancy cycle. After nine months, the surrogate will deliver a healthy baby through a cesarean or vaginal delivery.

Pregnant woman holds her hands on her swollen belly on white bed, Love and feel joyful as emotional well affect to baby neurological and psychological development

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