The Health Benefits of Pets for Older Adults and Children

6 min read

Besides providing valuable companionship, pets play crucial roles in improving older adults'
well-being in diverse ways. As people age, they lose several things that previously thrilled their
lives and gave them a purpose to live. Also, one can retire and live far from their children or
relatives. As such, the pet brings pleasure and improve an older adult's morale, self-worth, and
optimism (Scott 1). Adopting pets, particularly older ones, adds to a person's sense of
satisfaction, knowing they have offered a home to a needy animal that could have otherwise
died. As a person grows older, maintaining social networks becomes challenging, and thus many
are disconnected from their society. Factors like relocation, death, long-term illness, and
retirement take away family members and close friends (Brooks et al. 1). In such cases, pets,
particularly dogs, help older adults move out, meet new people, and make new friendships.

Older adults can overcome several physical challenges related to aging through good
personal care and hygiene. Cats and dogs encourage exercise, playfulness, and laughter, which
increase their energy and boost their immunity (Scott 1). Besides being helpful to older adults,
pets inspire many healthy behaviors in children. Children who interact with pets have less
asthma and allergies, as well as learning empathy, compassion, and a sense of responsibility as
they take care of cats and dogs. Notably, children enjoy learning or doing things without
criticism from adults. Unlike teachers and parents, pets neither criticize nor give orders. Instead,
they offer love and companionship, and their presence at home inspires a sense of safety in kids
(Brooks et al. 1). Also, pets help ease loneliness and separation anxiety in kids when the parents
are not around. Most importantly, the companionship and love from a pet make children feel
valued, and this enables them to develop self-confidence and self-image. (For a similar paper;
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Pets inspire positivity in children, and this influences their relationships with other
people. Studies indicate that children with an emotional attachment to pets develop healthy
human-human relationships (Scott 1). Further studies report that pets help to calm overly
aggressive and hyperactive children. However, the kid and the animal require training on
appropriate behaviors between them. Both adults and children benefit from playing with animals,
which helps them relax and remain calm and stimulate their bodies and minds (Chandler 12).
Playing with pets creates several learning ways for a kid by stimulating their curiosity and
imagination (Feldman 1). For instance, teaching a dog new tricks teaches children the
significance of perseverance. Taking care of pets also creates immense joy in a child.  

Several science-based institutions conduct extensive researches exploring the effects of
pets on human beings. For instance, the Human-Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI)
publishes articles that increase the awareness of the positive health impacts on a person's mental
and physical well-being (Feldman 1). HABRI has invested over two million dollars in study
projects that explore the health effects of human-animal interaction within the last four years.
The institution conducts these studies in three categories; mental health and wellness, healthy
aging, and child health and development (Feldman 1). HABRI provides an online database that
stores, categorizes, and archives the information and research findings on the nature of human-
animal bonding. As the areas of study increase, HABRI continuously raises awareness
concerning the health gains of animal-assisted therapy and pet ownership. HABRI partners with
other prominent institutions like Mayo Clinic, ADAA, and UCLA Health in sharing resources
and information on this issue.

Notably, pets do not provide a miraculous cure for mental sicknesses. Pet ownership only
benefits and comforts those who appreciate and love animals and spare money and time to keep them healthy and happy (Robinson and Jeanne 1). Also, one should understand how to take care
of animals despite loving them. That is because pet ownership is a commitment that lasts
throughout the pet's lifetime, which could be up to fifteen years for dogs. After such a long
engagement, one faces mourning and grief of losing a lovely companion. Maintaining pets can
be costly due to grooming costs, food bills, licenses, boarding fees, beddings, toys, and
veterinary care, among other expenses (Robinson and Jeanne 1). Thus, if one is elderly, facing
financial difficulties or unemployed, owning a pet can be burdensome. Despite such challenges,
pet ownership is a thrilling relationship that benefits outdo-related hindrances due to extensive
mental and physical health benefits.

Owning a pet has several mental and physical benefits to the owner. The study results are
encouraging, and that calls for further researches on the impacts of human-animal interaction on
human health. However, it is not clear yet the types of health issues influenced by pets, social,
mental, and physical well-being, and the essential characteristics of human-animal interaction.
Pet owners highlight several benefits of companion animals, but the circumstances that influence
these gains vary from one person to another. If study findings outline specific mental and
physical health benefits under particular circumstances, then authorities can use it to create
policies beneficial to more children and adults. For instance, the results could influence rules and
regulations for assisted living facilities, nursing homes, schools, and other settings where
authorities often discourage exposure to animals. Besides the health benefits of pets discussed in
this study, animals are essential in physical rehabilitation, speech therapy, and occupational
therapy to help patients recover. Most importantly, pets provide valuable companionship, which

improves a person's emotional life. The more understanding there is about human-animal
bonding, the people can apply it to enhance their daily lives. (Order for Assignment Help)

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Israr Ahmed 3
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