The first year of any child's life starts with seeing them reach various anticipated milestones. From lifting their head to witnessing their crawling for the first time, it's heartwarming to any parent.
But there are chances when toddlers don't begin crawling and leave parents worried whether their toddler will ever become mobile.
However, there is no need to bother much about when do baby's start crawling. Every child's developmental stage takes place at different times. There can be chances when a toddler running ahead in developing some areas may be behind others in other developmental cycles. Even some may skip crawling and start walking directly.
Without further ado, let's get started and learn everything about the toddler crawling stage.
In this post, we've outlined tips for toddler crawling, helping them reach their milestones.
When Do Baby's Start Crawling?
Most babies start crawling in the second half of the first year they are born. A toddler may begin with rolling over to initiate the crawling journey. However, some toddlers may start wiggling on their bellies across the floor. There are various crawling styles; some of them are mentioned as follows.
Cross Crawl: The toddlers bear the weight on their knees and hands to move forward with one arm and the opposite knee.
Belly Crawl: The Baby moves its body forward and drags the belly against the floor in the military style.
Bear Crawl: The toddler keeps their knees and elbows straight, walking like a bear on hands and feet.
Crab Crawl: The toddlers propel and move backward or sideways with their hands.
Rolling Crawl: Baby's role from one place to another.
Bottom Scooter: The toddlers move on their bottom and move forward.
Top 5 Tips to Make Your Baby's Crawl
Here are a few tips that can motivate a toddler to learn crawling.
Lift Your Toddler Off the Floor
The parents can lift the toddler off the floor and make him get the leg workout by lifting the legs. It strengthens the pint-sized muscles and provides support to the body weight. Parents can also put a bolster and make the child move their hands. It allows the baby to practice walking and strengthen the muscles.
Give Toys to Encourage Crawling
Place the toys in front of the toddler or to the right or left direction to make them move around the toy. Placing toys in front of toddlers encourages crawling in toddlers. Moreover, play tunnels also help babies to learn to crawl.
Get on to the Level of Toddlers
Get down on the floor and show the kids to crawl. Watching you crawl will ultimately motivate the toddler and help them learn to crawl. Another way can be to get together with other kids and show them other babies who already crawl.
Provide Comfortable Space & Make them Explore
Give optimal space to toddlers to make them move around and practice crawling. Limit the time that the toddler spends on jumpers and more supportive devices. Giving comfortable space to toddlers will make them explore and practice new skills.
Give Daily Massage to Your Toddler
Giving daily massages to toddlers strengthens the arms and legs muscles. It helps toddlers provide flexibility to move and crawl.
Wrapping Up
The most common question that worries the parents the most is when will baby start crawling? The babies start crawling at different times, but when they do so, it's the most exciting time for the parents and babies. Provide the babies with supporting devices and the best riddles to get them down on the floor. Moreover, giving baby massages to toddlers stimulates the muscles.
Follow the tips, and your little bundle of joy will be on the way to achieving another milestone of crawling!
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