Top 5 Tools to Help You Test and Improve Email Deliverability

5 min read

Let’s assume that you have perfectly curated the copy, design and code of your email marketing campaigns and are on the way to boosting your sales. But what’s the point of putting in all these efforts if your emails don’t get successfully delivered to your target audience? Worth sparing a thought for, you’d agree?

The success of your email marketing campaigns is directly tied to the deliverability of your emails.If your emails happen to consistently get marked as spam or get bounced, you will miss out on engaging with your subscribers and achieving your marketing objectives. 

Don’t want to contend with this fate? We got you covered. Today, we talk at length about 5 tools that will help you ace email deliverability. These are tools that all leading email marketing management services will vouch for, anyday! Read on to find out more.

What are the best practices for improving email deliverability?

  1. Build a Quality Email List

You should always look to practice permission-based email marketing. If everyone present on your list has voluntarily signed up to be there, you invite no risk of being marked as spam.

  1. Craft Engaging and Relevant Content

The importance of crafting personalized and relevant email copy can’t be overstated. They hold the key to creating engaging emails. 

  1. Maintain a Good Sender Reputation

Reputation is built on many factors such as email-sending practices, complaint rates, and engagement levels, all of which you should be extremely vigilant about.

  1. Monitor and Analyze Email Metrics

Analyze the key metrics like open rates and conversion rates regularly to identify trends, understand audience preferences, and identify areas for improvement. 

Top 5 Tools You Need for Testing and Improving Email Deliverability

  1. GlockApps 

GlockApps has many useful capabilities that might assist your emails to be delivered to your subscribers' inboxes.

  • With GlockApps, you can properly test your emails before sending them out to your audience. 
  • You can discover how spam filters and email clients will evaluate your messages with this tool. 
  • By sending test emails through GlockApps, you can find problems that could be flagged as spam and fix them to increase deliverability. 

GlockApps also has advanced metrics and reporting capabilities. You may track the performance of your email campaigns, zero in on the problem areas, and make concerted decisions to boost email deliverability. 

  1. Litmus

Litmus provides a full suite of tools for enhancing your email marketing efforts. Litmus's primary function is to allow you to preview and test your emails in various email clients and on various devices. 

  • You can improve the visual appearance of your emails by addressing any rendering difficulties in advance. 
  • Litmus has a spam filter testing feature you can use to check whether or not your emails will be sent by passing them through many spam filters. 
  • Litmus also includes tools for analyzing and monitoring email traffic.

Litmus is a potent tool that may greatly improve your email delivery thanks to its user-friendly design and comprehensive feature set. 

  1. ZeroBounce

With Zero Bounce, you can decrease your bounce rate significantly.

  • ZeroBounce scans for typos, validates domains and identifies addresses that could be used for spam or abuse. 
  • ZeroBounce ensures a high-quality subscriber base by culling inactive or potentially harmful email addresses.
  1. SenderScore

Improve your email deliverability by keeping your sender reputation in good standing with the help of SenderScore. 

  • SenderScore gives your domain and IP address a grade based on characteristics, including your sending record, spam complaint rates, and open and click-through rates.
  • A high SenderScore indicates a trustworthy sender, whereas a low score may indicate trouble.
  • When your SenderScore is high, your emails are less likely to be flagged as spam or relegated to the bin. 
  1. Google Analytics

The evergreen Google Analytics is a potent tool for analyzing email deliverability and can yield useful information about the efficacy of your email marketing initiatives. Although Google Analytics is most recognized for its website analytics features, it can also be used to monitor the performance of your email marketing campaigns. 

The ability to monitor the number of clicks through your email marketing initiatives is a major perk. You can track the number of clicks and purchases made as a result of your email campaigns by using UTM parameters.  

You may learn a lot about your email recipients' engagement and actions through the analysis of bounce rate, average session duration, and new user acquisition data. You can use this data to make educated judgments about how to increase the usefulness of your email messages. Setting goals allows you to see how effective your email campaigns are in getting people to commit to the actions you want them to, whether that's making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading a resource. 

Key Takeaways 

We hope the tools stated above will help you stay on top of email deliverability, ultimately empowering your campaigns to unchartered heights of success. If there’s anything email you’d like our help with, please drop us a message. We’re all ears, always.

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Kevin George 0
Kevin George is the head of marketing at Email Uplers, that specializes in crafting Professional Email Templates, PSD to Email conversion, and Mailchimp Templat...
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