Top Things to Teach Your New Puppy Now (And Not One of Them)

9 min read

When welcoming a new puppy into your home, addressing all aspects of their behavior at once might feel overwhelming. However, focusing on specific behaviors can set the foundation for overall success.

When should I train my puppy?

Training your puppy should ideally begin as early as possible. Puppies are like sponges during their early developmental stages, making it an opportune time to instill good behaviors and habits. 

  • For 3 and 14 weeks of age:

The critical socialization period for puppies is typically between 3 and 14 weeks of age, during which they are more receptive to new experiences and learning.

Basic training, such as teaching commands like sit, stay, and come, can start as early as eight weeks old. However, remember that a young puppy's attention span is limited, so training sessions should be short and positive.

  • For young puppy

Focusing on positive reinforcement techniques and rewarding good behavior with treats, praise, or play is essential. Consistency and patience are crucial when working with a young puppy. You can gradually introduce more advanced training concepts and behaviors as your puppy grows.

Remember that training is an ongoing process throughout your dog's life. Even if you start with basic commands, continuing to reinforce and build on these skills will contribute to a well-behaved and well-adjusted adult dog.


Top Things to Teach Your New Puppy Now

Welcoming a new puppy into your family is super exciting! Being a new puppy parent is fun but also brings challenges. That's where Empire State K-9 Training, LLC comes in. 

We're here to help new puppy parents like you with toys, treats, accessories, and training. If you want everything you need for your puppy, check out Empire State K-9 Training, LLC. Click here to learn more about us and make your puppy parenting journey easier!

If you're training a puppy, there are several things you should focus on to ensure a seamless transition. Some of them are given as below:

  • Your puppy’s daily routine:

Establishing a consistent daily routine for your puppy is crucial for their well-being and behavior. Here's a sample daily schedule:

    • Morning:
      • Wake up and potty break: Take your puppy outside immediately after waking up.
      • Breakfast: Provide a nutritious meal in a designated feeding area.
    • Daytime:
      • Play and exercise: Engage in interactive or short walks for physical activity.
      • Training sessions: Incorporate brief training sessions to reinforce basic commands.
    • Nap time: Puppies need several naps throughout the day. Ensure a quiet and comfortable space for them to rest.
    • Afternoon:
    • Potty break: Take your puppy outside after waking up from a nap and after meals.
    • Playtime or socialization: Allow your puppy to interact with people, other pets, or new environments.
    • Evening:
    • Dinner: Provide the evening meal.
      • Playtime and training: Engage in another play session and reinforce training commands.


      • Last potty break: Take your puppy outside for a final bathroom break before bedtime.
    • Night:
      • Bedtime routine: Establish a calming bedtime routine, such as a short walk and quiet play.


      • Bedtime: Ensure your puppy has a comfortable and safe sleeping area.

Remember, puppies thrive on routine, so keep feeding, play, and potty times consistent. Adjust the schedule based on your puppy's age, energy level, and needs. Be patient and flexible as you and your puppy adapt to the routine together.

  • Your puppy’s name:

Teaching your puppy its name is an essential foundation for communication. Here's a step-by-step guide:

    • Choose a Distinctive Name:

Select a name for your puppy that is unique and distinct from common commands. It should be easy to pronounce and remember.

    • Create a Positive Association:

Use treats or toys to create a positive association with the name. Say the word in a happy and encouraging tone.


    • Repetition and Consistency:

Repeat your puppy's name frequently, especially during positive interactions. Use it consistently in various situations.


    • Associate Name with Attention:

When your puppy looks at you after hearing its name, reward it with praise and a treat. It reinforces the connection between its name and positive attention.


    • Short Training Sessions:

Keep training sessions short to maintain your puppy's attention and interest. Aim for 5-10 minute sessions several times a day.


    • Use Name Before Positive Experiences:

Say your puppy's name before offering food, treats, playtime, or any positive experience. It strengthens the positive association.


    • Avoid Negative Associations:

Never use your puppy's name in a negative context, such as when reprimanding. The goal is for the word to be associated with positive experiences only.


    • Be Patient and Consistent:

Learning their name takes time, so be patient and consistent. Reinforce positive behavior each time your puppy responds to its name.


    • Gradually Increase Distractions:

Gradually introduce distractions once your puppy reliably responds to its name in a quiet environment. Practice in different locations and with varying levels of activity.


    • Celebrate Success:

Celebrate your puppy's success when it responds to its name in challenging situations. I can include extra praise, playtime, or special treats.

Remember, the key is to make the process enjoyable for your puppy. Positive reinforcement and consistency will help your puppy quickly associate its name with positive experiences and attention.

  • Potty training:

To potty train your puppy effectively, establish a consistent schedule for bathroom breaks, especially after meals and waking up. 

Choose a designated potty area outside and reward your puppy with praise or treats when it eliminates there. Supervise indoors, and if accidents happen, clean them thoroughly to remove scent markers. Use a cue word to associate it with the behavior while your puppy is eliminating. Be patient consistent, and celebrate successes to create a positive and reliable potty routine.

  • Puppy mouthing, biting, and chewing:

Puppy mouthing, biting, and chewing are natural behaviors that need redirection. Provide appropriate chew toys and discourage inappropriate biting by redirecting to toys when it occurs. Use positive reinforcement to reward gentle mouthing and chewing. If your puppy bites too hard, yelp to signal discomfort and withdraw attention briefly. 

Consistency is essential, and avoid rough play that encourages biting. Consistent training will help develop good bite inhibition as your puppy grows, making interactions safer and more enjoyable.

  • Build trust and bond with your puppy:

Building trust and a strong bond with your puppy involves consistent positive interactions. Spend quality time together through play, walks, and training. Use positive reinforcement, rewarding good behavior with treats and praise. Be patient understanding, and establish a routine to create a sense of security. Regular grooming and gentle handling reinforce trust. Listen to your puppy's cues, respecting their comfort levels.

  • Puppy socialization skills:

Socializing your puppy is vital for a well-adjusted adult dog. Expose them to various people, environments, and other animals positively during the critical socialization period. Encourage positive interactions, rewarding calm behaviour. Gradually introduce different sounds, sights, and experiences. Attend puppy classes for controlled socialization. Prioritize positive encounters to prevent fear or anxiety. 

  • Body handling:

Familiarizing your puppy with gentle body handling is crucial for their comfort and well-being. Gradually introduce touch and handling, starting with areas like the head, ears, and paws. Use positive reinforcement, rewarding calm behavior during these interactions. 

  • Basic commands: sit, down, stay:

Teaching basic commands like sit, down, and stay is foundational for effective communication with your puppy. Begin with sitting, rewarding your puppy for the action. Once mastered, progress to down and stay, using treats and praise. Keep sessions short and positive, reinforcing good behavior. Consistency is vital; practice commands in various settings to generalize learning. These commands enhance safety, obedience, and the overall bond between you and your puppy, laying the groundwork for a well-behaved and responsive adult dog.

 Things You Should NEVER Do When Training Your New Puppy

   Take note of these things You Should Never Do When Training Your New Puppy:

  • Be Inconsistent:

Be consistent in puppy training. Inconsistency creates confusion, hindering your puppy's understanding of commands and expectations. Constant reinforcement, rules, and routines are vital for practical training. Avoid mixed signals to ensure clarity and promote a positive learning environment. 

  • Repeating a Command Multiple Times:

Avoid repeating commands excessively when training your puppy. Repeating commands undermines their significance, confusing your pet. Instead, say an order once, then wait for a response. It encourages prompt obedience and a clear understanding of expectations. 

  • Negative Reinforcement

Never resort to negative reinforcement when training your puppy. Punishments and harsh corrections can instill fear, erode trust, and hinder learning. Opt for positive reinforcement, rewarding desired behaviors with treats and praise. This approach builds a strong bond, encourages a positive association with training, and fosters a happy, well-adjusted puppy.


In conclusion, prioritizing fundamental behaviors like basic commands, potty training, and positive socialization lays the groundwork for a well-behaved dog. However, avoiding inconsistent training and negative reinforcement is crucial, as these can hinder progress and damage the trust between you and your puppy. 

At Empire State K-9 Training, LLC, we're committed to providing the tools and guidance you need for a successful and positive training experience, ensuring a lifelong bond with your canine companion.

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