Trampoline Safety Measures: How Handlebars Enhance Stability and Balance

7 min read

Trampoline Safety Measures: How Handlebars Enhance Stability and Balance

Jumping on the trampoline used to be a delightful experience that many of us looked forward to with excitement. And so, it is not so surprising that fitness gurus came up with the mini fitness trampolines, aka rebounders, to help you relive that childhood fun while toning your muscles and building your core strength as an adult.

As with any exercise, you must take some safety measures before jumping on a trampoline. From checking the condition of the rebounder to wearing the appropriate apparel, staying safe while trampolining should be one of your primary goals.

In this article, we'll focus on how adding handlebars to your fitness trampoline can help support you and maintain your balance while you jump. Let's get started.

Why Should You Choose a Trampoline With Handlebars?

There are three main reasons for exercising on trampolines with handles: providing support, training your body, and preventing injury while jumping. Let me expound on them a little so that you understand better.

  • Handlebars Help Prevent Injuries.


It may seem like child’s play, but exercising on trampolines without stability bars can cause harm, especially if you haven’t mastered the balancing technique yet. For example, a person trying rebounding exercises for the first time may not know the correct form for each workout. And, even if they have tried a few exercises, they probably won't have developed the core strength to hold them up steady during the workouts.     


Therefore, if this newbie decides to continue rebounding without the support of handlebars, they are likely to sprain an ankle or injure a knee. Moreover, landing with poor form could result in a worse scenario, such as falling off the trampoline or sustaining a neck injury.   


Newbie rebounders aren’t the only ones who should try to stave off injuries while using mini trampolines. Sometimes, individuals doing rebounding exercises for years may also need handlebars to hold them up during workouts, especially if they are rehabilitating an injury. This way, they can land more softly to avoid worsening the injury.

  • Handlebars Assist You in Maintaining Balance When Trying Out New Moves.

Maintaining balance or coordinating the movements can be quite challenging before our bodies become accustomed to a specific set of movements. This is usually because the mind and body need to synchronize to achieve balance, and it takes a long time and persistence to coordinate movements like a pro. 

Many people still new to rebounding exercises find it hard to get the movements right without toppling over the edges of the trampoline. Even seasoned rebounders find that handlebars can be useful, especially when trying out more challenging jumping exercises. 

Moreover, having handlebars on your mini trampoline makes designing unique workouts targeting specific muscle groups easier. This way, you can strengthen and tone your whole body while enjoying the cardio benefits of a good jumping workout.  

  • Handlebars Are Excellent “Training Wheels”

Some people often think that adding handlebars to their fitness trampoline won’t allow them to progress in their workouts, but they are wrong. Starting with handlebars is akin to riding a bicycle with training wheels, enabling you to build core strength and master the balancing techniques gradually. Once your coordination and balance improve, you can remove the support bar. 

For example, if you're trying out single-leg bounces for the first time, it can be tasking on your ankles, and you may lose balance all the time. In this case, you can hold the handlebars for balance while you build strength on your ankles. After you’re confident that the ankle can hold you up during the bounce, you can gradually start working out without the added support. 

Which Is Better: Trampoline With or Without Handlebars?

While installing handlebars on a trampoline offers numerous benefits, it also has a few unavoidable disadvantages. For this reason, your personal preferences will determine whether you will use a stability bar on your trampoline. Here are a few factors that may influence your choice.      

Your Limitations

Every individual is at a different level in their workouts - some are complete beginners, while others have been working out on trampolines for years. Naturally, beginners need extra support for balance, so they must use handlebars during their workouts.    


On the other hand, if you're a pro, you can choose to use a stability bar or ignore it completely, depending on your circumstances. If you're in top shape, ignore the stability bar to help you grow your strength even more, but don't be shy to use it occasionally if you want to lower the impact of your workouts.       


Adding a support bar to your rebounder takes up more space than without the bar. Therefore, adding the handlebars will be inconvenient if you have set aside a tiny space for your home workouts.   

For instance, if you are a beginner or rehabilitating an injury, you will require a support bar. In such cases, having limited space for working out might necessitate finding a new workout spot.      


Most rebounds don’t like fixing or removing the handlebar. Installing the handlebar isn’t too much work, but it can be frustrating. If you don’t want the hassle of installing and removing the handles, you can purchase trampolines with fixed handles. You must figure out whether it will fit your space.

Do All Fitness Trampolines Come With Handlebars?

No, they don’t. Most trampoline manufacturers sell handlebars separately, allowing you to attach them only when needed. However, you can also find trampolines with fixed handlebars that can be folded for easy storage.      

The Bottom Line

Working out on a mini trampoline is fun and brings back our favorite memories from childhood. However, if you want to avoid injuring yourself or falling off the trampoline during your workouts, implementing a few safety measures is the way to go.  


Installing a handlebar on your trampoline is one of the best ways to provide yourself with the extra support needed to balance while you bounce up and down. With the additional help, you can maintain good form during each exercise and build your strength until you need it no more.      


In addition, handlebars come in handy when you have an injury and need to minimize the impact of the exercises on the affected body part. This way, you protect yourself from worsening the injury without quitting your workouts altogether.      


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Daniel Martin 2
Joined: 10 months ago
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