Treating Infertility: Types of Procedures and Treatment Methods

Treating Infertility: Types of Procedures and Treatment Methods
4 min read
27 September 2022

If you and your spouse have been trying to get pregnant and are still unsuccessful, you may have infertility issues. You must consult with your physician regarding the best way to treat your infertility. Although there are many different causes of infertility, the most common reason is polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). There are several different types of infertility treatments available, depending on the type of problem you’re experiencing. The most common treatments include ovulation induction, intrauterine insemination (IUI), and in vitro fertilization (IVF). . Read on to learn more about some of these procedures you will find at a good infertility treatment center and which one might be right for you or your loved one.

Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH): FSH stimulates follicles to grow. FSH is made by the pituitary gland, which is in the brain. FSH works with other hormones to stimulate follicles to grow so that an egg can be released each month. If you are diagnosed with infertility, your doctor may prescribe fertility drugs that contain FSH or the hormone LH (luteinizing hormone).

Injectable Gonadotropins:  This treatment is usually used for women who have not been able to conceive naturally, or for women who have been trying for over one year without success. Doctors may recommend this treatment if the woman does not have any other underlying health issues or medical conditions which may complicate the pregnancy. They inject the woman with a hormone called gonadotropin, which stimulates egg production and increases fertility. The injections are given by a doctor every day for about ten days. After these ten days, the woman's ovaries will release eggs that can be fertilized by her partner's sperm in a process called intrauterine insemination (IUI). The IUI procedure should only be done during ovulation to maximize the chances of conception.

GIFT: A more invasive option for couples who want to increase their chances of conceiving is gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT). GIFT involves extracting eggs and sperm from the couple, mixing them outside of the body, then inserting them back into the female's fallopian tube instead of her uterus.

IUI: The intrauterine insemination procedure is a process where the sperm is introduced to the uterus via a thin catheter, where it travels through the cervix. The sperm can be artificially inseminated either before or after ovulation occurs. It's often combined with other treatments, such as hormone therapy, to increase the likelihood of conception. While IVF has a success rate as high as 40%, it is often expensive due to the cost of medication, doctor's visits, and lab work. intrauterine insemination(IUI), on the other hand, involves injecting sperm directly into a woman's uterus with a syringe. It can be less expensive than IVF but may not have as high of a success rate. 

IVF: In vitro fertilization, or IVF, is a procedure that helps couples become pregnant after having not been able to conceive for over a year. The process involves removing eggs from the woman’s ovaries with a needle and then combining them with sperm in a lab dish. One egg is transferred to the uterus at a time, which can take place within two weeks from when the egg was retrieved. If an egg does not result in pregnancy, the process can be repeated. If a woman has more than one cycle of IVF but still does not get pregnant, her doctor may recommend she try other fertility treatments such as donor eggs or frozen embryos.

Donor Eggs or Sperm: Donor eggs or donor sperm can be used to help someone become pregnant. This is the only option for a woman who cannot produce healthy eggs on her own, but it is a viable option for couples who cannot produce healthy sperm on their own.

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