Understanding NetMarvel's Approach to Boosting In App Advertising Mobile Game Growth and Efficiency

Understanding NetMarvel's Approach to Boosting In App Advertising Mobile Game Growth and Efficiency
5 min read

In the realm of IAA (In-App Advertising) mobile games, every user click and interaction serves as a bridge connecting developers and advertisers.

For most mobile game developers, a focus on capturing internet traffic and spurring new user growth for rapid expansion is essential when implementing IAA. However, it's crucial to recognize that such short-term growth is just the beginning, not the end. In the long run, ensuring continuous user retention, enhancing the gaming experience, and constructing a robust, sustainable growth and monetization model are more critical tasks.


Source: Conversion Cycle of In-App Purchase Players

Today, let's explore through a case study how IAA developers can achieve ad monetization while also ensuring a positive gaming experience, looking at mobile app ads as a key revenue driver.

01/ Utilization of IAA in Mobile Games

In the mobile casual gaming sector, IAA has become a significant route to profitability for game developers. This model allows players to enjoy games for free while generating revenue for developers through ad viewing. Compared to IAP (In-App Purchases), IAA lowers the entry barrier for players, enabling games to attract a broader user base, particularly those unwilling to make initial investments in gaming.

The versatility of IAA offers developers a wide range of choices. Banner ads and interstitial ads are common mobile app ads, typically appearing at the edges of the game interface or on the pause screen. Although these ads don't directly offer in-game rewards like rewarded videos, they provide developers with a steady income stream as part of in-app advertising revenue.

Moreover, native ads and playable ads are mainstream formats in recent years. Their design is closely aligned with the game content, even providing interactive elements without hindering the gaming experience. For instance, "Build Car Manager Tycoon" blends game mechanics and ad rewards, creating a model that enhances both player experience and ad revenue, showcasing an effective in-app advertising example.

Within the game, players can increase offline idle earnings by over 20% through watching ads, incentivizing ad viewing and offering tangible in-game benefits.

Understanding NetMarvel's Approach to Boosting IAA Mobile Game Growth and Efficiency

Another form is the "Double Level Up Reward," activated when players receive an ad prompt for a double upgrade reward upon leveling up in the game. This mechanism is particularly useful for permanent buildings that require increasing resources to level up, offering players the chance to accelerate their game progress.

Source:”Build Car Manager Tycoon”

Source:”Build Car Manager Tycoon”

As the mobile casual gaming market continues to expand, IAA will remain a vital revenue source for game developers. To attract and retain players, developers need to innovate, providing richer and more engaging gaming experiences while artfully integrating ads as part of the experience rather than a disturbance. In doing so, IAA can not only generate revenue for developers but also enhance overall player satisfaction.

02/ Insightful User Analysis for Optimized IAA Advertising

Unlocking the true potential of IAA lies in sophisticated operations. Developers can apply data-driven strategies for targeted and personalized ad placement or leverage third-party platforms for audience insights to deliver precise ad targeting as part of advertising in mobile apps.

By gaining a deep understanding of gamer preferences, behaviors, and tastes, developers can select the type, location, and timing of ads with precision based on different user groups. For instance, shopping-related ads can be served to users who enjoy shopping, while music-themed ads can be displayed for those with a music preference. This precise targeting boosts ad click-through and conversion rates, increasing revenue from in-app advertising.

In the light mobile game "Ball Sort," which collaborates with NetMarvel, the expert team at NetMarvel designed multiple creative directions and provided various material templates for "Ball Sort" by analyzing traffic data and delving into the unique selling points of the product. This helps in creating interactive ad materials that align more closely with user aesthetics and acceptance, exemplifying effective in-app advertising examples.

Understanding NetMarvel's Approach to Boosting IAA Mobile Game Growth and Efficiency

Furthermore, by utilizing DSP (Demand-Side Platform) and leveraging first-hand user data and environmental data within the app, NetMarvel's expert team can conduct precise user profiling to tailor highly relevant ad content for "Ball Sort." This ensures that the game's ads can reach the target audience accurately and at a reasonable cost, enhancing click-through and conversion rates, increasing in-app advertising revenue, and accelerating the game's profit cycle in the global market.

Understanding NetMarvel's Approach to Boosting IAA Mobile Game Growth and Efficiency

03/ Cost Efficiency and Innovation: The Pillars of IAA

Effectively managing IAA costs is another pillar of successful IAA strategy. While maximizing ad density may yield some short-term gains, long-term profitability requires balancing ad exposure and user retention. Developers should regularly analyze ad performance and user feedback, adjusting ad frequency and types to ensure a positive user experience.

Innovation is the foundation for survival in the increasingly competitive and homogenized mobile gaming industry. This applies to IAA as well; experimenting with emerging ad formats, such as creating more immersive or interactive ads, can help products stand out in the fierce market competition. Mobile IAA has evolved beyond traditional ad display options, becoming a platform rich in creativity and user engagement. By continuous innovation, developers can enhance user experience, increase ad click-through rates, and achieve


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