What Kind of Real Website Should Be Modern?

4 min read
06 November 2023

Today, the majority of commercial real estate firms are aware that in order to market their listings, they must have a digital presence. You can increase your exposure, interact with visitors, and eventually turn them into prospects by having an accessible and user-friendly property website. However, you would require a contemporary real estate website with a few key components for that. We shall examine some of the more important ones today.

How Does a Contemporary Real Estate Website Work?

It should essentially combine functionality and aesthetics. A visitor's first impression of your website greatly influences it; eye-catching elements like vibrant colours and well-designed layouts help to make your website visually appealing. However, usability is crucial because if users find it too difficult to use, it will be useless. To be more precise, these seven components must be present.

  1. Simple, Uncluttered Design

Your website will look simpler and more functional with a clean, minimalist layout that gets rid of extraneous components that crowd it. In this manner, your visitor won't be sidetracked and your information will be clearly seen. In addition to incorporating design components, this also condenses and minimizes website copy, focusing the user's attention on important calls-to-action that increase conversion.

  1. Easily navigable and clear

Naturally, as a real estate agent, you want site visitors and prospective customers to be able to view the most crucial content. Minimal menu selections mean less distractions for consumers and less navigational effort on their part. They have no trouble concentrating on the content that is presented, including details on the property's location, facilities, and other relevant details. If a user cannot easily locate these important facts, they will click away from the website and eventually cause rankings to drop. Furthermore, you would never want a lower ranking for your brand—trust us on this one!

  1. Angular Font

When delivering marketing messaging, strong, modern typeface works really well. It highlights the name of your brand, drawing attention to the key selling points. This makes an enduring impression on the guest. One message appears in the top fold of many modern web designs, as you will notice. First-time visitors are drawn in by this, and with enough context, they may become leads. Additionally, since it sets your property listings apart from those of your competitors, a distinctive typeface is essential.

  1. Bold Colours

They can certainly increase traffic to and leave a lasting impression on your website. It is imperative that your colour scheme corresponds with your brand colours or the branding you have created for the property.

  1. The Images Need to Be Expert

Since a lot of real estate is about a property's appearance, professional photography enhances the effects. Professional photography is beneficial because you want images that capture the imperfections realistically rather than just highlighting them. It's also important to emphasize the advantages and beauty without going overboard. Therefore, full-width photos and high-quality photographs offer you a distinct advantage and significantly impact the visitor's attention.

  1. Comparable Maps

In real estate, location is everything. These days, users of websites are accustomed to maps and pins that mark properties and provide more information about the surrounding area. An interactive map on your real estate website can therefore influence important decisions made by prospective tenants or investors, ultimately working to your advantage.

  1. Device Compatibility with Mobile

A commercial real estate website needs to have a simple, easy-to-use design that works well across a variety of platforms, as mobile devices account for half of all traffic worldwide. It would be accurate to state that having a carefully considered and professionally designed real estate website helps to significantly increase your brand recognition. At realestateleads, that is precisely what our staff accomplishes. Together, we craft an engaging narrative that draws readers in and entices them to return for more!


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