What to Expect from a Diabetes  Doctor? Dr. Priti Nanda Sibal Functional Medicine Expert

What to Expect from a Diabetes  Doctor? Dr. Priti Nanda Sibal Functional Medicine Expert
2 min read

Diabetes Doctor

When you see a doctor for diabetes, you can expect a comprehensive and personalized approach to managing your condition. Here are some aspects of what you would expect from a Diabetes Doctor.

Medical History and Physical Examination:

Your doctor will start by taking a detailed medical history, including any family history of diabetes, your lifestyle and any symptoms you may have

A physical exam will be performed to evaluate your overall health and identify symptoms associated with diabetes complications.\

Blood glucose monitoring: 

Regular monitoring of blood glucose levels is important in the management of diabetes. Your doctor will guide you on how to monitor your blood sugar levels at home and discuss your target blood sugar levels.

Diagnostic tests: 

Additional tests may be ordered to assess the severity of diabetes and possible complications. This may include HbA1c (glycated hemoglobin), lipid profile, kidney function tests and eye exams.


 Your doctor may prescribe medications if diabetes cannot be controlled with lifestyle changes alone. The purpose, dosage, and possible side effects of each medication will be explained.

Nutritional guidance: 

A diabetic doctor or diabetes educator can guide proper meal planning, including the importance of controlling carbohydrate intake, controlling portion sizes and choosing healthy foods

Exercise tips:

 Exercise is an important part of managing diabetes. Your doctor will discuss an appropriate exercise program based on your health condition and level of fitness.

Education and counseling:

 You can expect your doctor to teach you about diabetes, its complications, and the importance of following a prescribed treatment plan. Dr. Priti Nanda Sibal Best Doctor for Diabetes Consult. Counseling can also be offered to address any mental or emotional aspect of living with diabetes.

Follow up regularly:

 Diabetes is a chronic disease that needs to be managed continuously. Your doctor will schedule regular appointments to monitor your progress, adjust your treatment plan as needed, and address any concerns.

Collaborative Care:

Diabetes care often requires a multi-pronged approach. Your doctor can work with other healthcare professionals such as dietitians, diabetes educators, and endocrinologists to provide comprehensive care.

Prevention and management of complications:

Your doctor will discuss ways to prevent and manage diabetes-related complications, such as heart disease, kidney problems and eye problems


Remember that effective diabetes management requires collaboration with your healthcare team. Clear communication, regular follow-up, and adherence to recommended lifestyle changes and medications are essential for successful diabetes care.

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Dr. Priti Nanda 2
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