When should you see an oculoplastic surgeon?

When should you see an oculoplastic surgeon?
6 min read

If you have an eye issue, the best person to see is an oculoplastic surgeon. Oculoplastic is a subspecialty of plastic surgery, and these doctors are trained in all aspects of the face and neck. If your eyes are bothering you or if you want to treat them for cosmetic purposes, make sure that your doctor has experience working with this area of the body.

When you have a droopy eyelid

  • You have a droopy eyelid.
  • You have puffiness in the area around your eyes and/or dark circles under them. This can be caused by aging, genetics, or an injury to the muscles that support your eyelids.
  • You have trouble opening or closing one eye because of injuries sustained during surgery on that side of the face (for example, if you had an eye lift).

When you have a detached retina

If you have a detached retina, it’s important to see an oculoplastic surgeon immediately. This condition is serious and can cause permanent vision loss if left untreated.

It’s possible for a detached retina to occur after trauma or injury to the eye — for example, if you were hit in the face with something like a baseball bat or golf club. However, it’s also common for this condition to happen as we age because our eyes become more fragile over time and are more susceptible to injury from everyday use (we’re talking about reading glasses here). In fact, older adults are three times more likely than younger people of any age group (under 50) to experience retinal detachment due out of all other groups combined!

When you have a twisted eyelid

A twisted eyelid is a condition in which the upper or lower eyelid is rotated out of its normal position. The resulting displacement can cause the eye to be pushed further into the skull, which leads to vision problems and even blindness.

It’s important to see an oculoplastic surgeon if you have a twisted eyelid because they will be able to determine whether surgery is necessary and what kind of procedure would work best for your case.

When you have ptosis (droopy upper eyelid)

Ptosis, or droopy eyelids, is a common condition that affects many people. In fact, it’s estimated that one in five Americans have ptosis. It can be caused by aging and/or injuries to your eye muscles.

When you have ptosis, your upper eyelid drops down and covers part of your iris (the colored part of your eyes). This makes it difficult to see clearly when looking up at someone directly in front of you — you may even notice that one pupil looks larger than the other! Ptosis can make you look tired or older than you are — and if severe enough, it can cause double vision as well!

When you need to reduce skin creases on your eyelids

You may have noticed that some people have creases in their eyelids and others don’t. This is because everyone is born with different amounts of skin on their eyelids, which can cause a variety of issues such as:

  • Dry eyes (because there’s less room for tears to stay moist)
  • Eye infections (because it’s harder for bacteria to get out when there’s less space)
  • Eyelid drooping/asymmetry (when one side has more skin than the other)

When your eyelid skin is too thick or thin

If you have thick or thin eyelid skin, an oculoplastic surgeon can help. Thick skin is often a result of aging and sun damage, while thin skin can be caused by aging or sun damage. The procedure is simple: the surgeon removes some of your eyelid tissue so that it’s no longer visible when you blink.

You may need to see an oculoplastic surgeon if:

  • Your upper eyelids droop over your eyes (blepharoptosis) or lower lids sag below the iris (ptosis). This makes it hard for people to see your eyes clearly when they look at them directly — a condition called oblique gaze deficit syndrome.
  • You have excess fat deposits under each eye that make them appear puffy; this condition is known as “tear trough deformity.”

When you need an eye lift procedure or blepharoplasty

If you’re looking for an eye lift procedure or blepharoplasty, an oculoplastic surgeon can help.

An eye lift is a surgery to remove loose skin around the eyes and tighten crow’s feet wrinkles around them. It can also be used to get rid of excess fat in and around the upper eyelid that causes bags under your eyes, making them look droopy or tired.

Blepharoplasty is another way to tighten up loose skin on your eyelids — it’s often done with incisions inside the lids so there are no visible scars afterward (exception: if you have a lot of excess fat). This procedure can also be used to remove excess fat from beneath your lower lashes so they don’t droop down over your eyeball!

An oculoplastic surgeon can help with a variety of eye issues.

  • Eye issues are common, and they can be treated by an oculoplastic surgeon.
  • Your oculoplastic surgeon can help you with a variety of eye issues. Some examples include:
  • Surgery to repair or improve eyelids, tear ducts and other structures around your eyes;
  • Laser surgery to treat age-related wrinkles around the eye (crow’s feet);
  • Injectable fillers such as Restyling or Botox Cosmetic to smooth fine lines on the upper eyelids;
  • Eyelid tucks to raise sagging lower eyelids caused by aging or weight loss;


We hope this article has given you a better understanding of what an oculoplastic surgeon does, and when you might need one. We also want to remind you that if you’re ever in doubt about whether or not to see one, then do it! Your eyes are an important part of your life and deserve the best care possible.

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