Why Somerset Body Massage Deserves a Spot on Your List of Self Care

Why Somerset Body Massage Deserves a Spot on Your List of Self Care
5 min read

It's easy to become overwhelmed by all the things you need in your lifestyle, and you probably feel like there's never enough time in a day. This might make you feel pressured and nervous all of the time. Stress is bad for your mind and body. The term MASSAGE is enough to send your thoughts on a soothing journey. For any busy person, the idea of getting a massage is like a dream come true. Long working hours, poor posture, constant sitting in front of a screen, and other daily duties can all lead to tight muscles and pain in various sections of your body.

Somerset Body Massage specializes in therapeutic techniques that melt your worries away. We all have our own self-care routines, but therapeutic massage getting from renowned spa may bring a lot of value to your overall health. Let's look at why massage treatment should be included in everyone's wellness regimen.

Stress and Anxiety Antidote

Anxiety is damaging to both your mental and physical health. Constant worrying and tension can lead to high blood pressure, insomnia, and weak immunity. Massage is a proven antidote for anxiety and stress. Studies show that massage decreases cortisol levels, the stress hormone, while increasing dopamine and serotonin, the feel-good hormones.

A 60 or 90-minute Somerset Body massage session works wonders for alleviating pent-up stress and tension. As your therapist works out the knots in your back, neck and shoulders, you'll feel waves of calm wash over you. The rhythmic strokes and essential oils soothe your senses, gives peace to your mind and take you into a meditative state.

Improved Circulation and Flexibility

A massage is just what your body needs. Somerset body massage, in particular, should be at the top of your self-care list. The benefits of massage extend well beyond the treatment table. In the days after your massage, you'll notice improved flexibility and range of motion. Your sleep may become deeper and more restorative. And your overall mood and outlook will brighten, as massage balances your hormones and stimulates feel-good chemicals in the brain.

Somerset massage techniques like kneading, rolling, and compression help loosen tight muscles and connective tissue, increasing your range of motion. As your muscles relax, circulation improves, carrying oxygen and nutrients to your cells and removing waste products. This helps your body function optimally and heal itself.

Stronger Immune System

Somerset Body Massage also helps flush metabolic waste and toxins from your muscles and connective tissue. By removing these immune system irritants, massage helps your body's natural defence system operate more efficiently. If you are regularly affected with chronic illnesses and believe that your immune system will cure itself, you may be mistaken. Regular body massage can help you create a strong immune system by keeping your body happy and healthy. Even a single session of body massage may boost the amount of lymphocytes in our bodies that create white blood cells. This helps your body prepare to combat infections and boosts your general immunity.

Better Sleeping Cycle

A good night's sleep is essential for your health and well-being. Do you spend your nights casually scrolling your phone's screen? Do you toss and turn in your bed, trying to fall asleep? Many adults complain about difficulty sleeping. This is due to the fact that our minds and bodies are restless during night. Try getting a body massage before going to bed to calm your mind and soothe your senses. Getting a Somerset Body massage can help relax your body and mind, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.

It also decreases anxiety and restlessness, making it easier to fall asleep. The result is you sleep more soundly and wake up recharged.

Fighter for Muscle Pain

Massage therapy releases endorphins that act as natural painkillers and stress relievers. It loosens tight muscles and connective tissue, increasing flexibility and range of motion. Releasing muscle knots and tension alleviates pain that can keep you tossing and turning. A massage also boosts circulation, transporting oxygen and nutrients to your muscles so they can fully relax. Get a massage in the evening around 6 or 7 pm so you have time to relax and absorb calmness in your body before bedtime. Ask your Somerset Body massage therapist to focus on areas where you hold the most tension like your back, neck and shoulders.

Final Words

There was a reason now you understand why your grandmother would cover you with oil as a child. A good massage not only nourishes our bodies but also cures them from within. A massage is the perfect remedy for restless nights and fatigue. Make it a habit to get a massage once a month. At Marvis Spa, caring and highly-trained therapists are ready to help you relax, renew and recharge. Give yourself the gift of Somerset Body massage and experience how it can transform both your body and mind. Your health and happiness are well worth it.

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Amelia Rich 2
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