Wooden Gravel Boards: Protecting Your Fence with Style and Function

These gravel-covered boards made of wood are a vital part of fencing. They offer aesthetic and practical benefits. They are erected at the bottom of the fence, and serve as a buffer between panel of fencing and ground. This article will discuss the different aspects of the wooden gravel boards which include their use, styles benefits, their installation procedure and tips for maintenance.

What are Wooden Gravel Boards?

These are boards that are horizontally put at the bottom of fences. They are usually placed on top of the soil and along the edges of fence panels, shielding the fence from ground water and the possibility of rotting. They can be constructed using a variety of materials, however the wooden gravel boards are well-known due to their natural appearance and their compatibility to wooden fencing.

Purpose of Wooden Gravel Boards

1. Guards from moisture

One of the main reasons for wooden gravel boards is to shield your fence from the effects of moisture. The moisture from the ground can cause the lower portion of fences to turn brown and weaken in time. As barriers, gravel boards prolong the lifespan that the fence will last by ensuring it is dry.

2. Preventing Soil Contact

The gravel boards made of wood prevent direct contact between panel fence and soil. This is important since soil could contain pests and moisture that can contribute to the degeneration of wood. By elevating fencing panels and gravel board, you decrease the chance of sustaining damage due to soil contact.

3. Providing Structural Support

Gravel boards provide strength to fences, which helps to stabilize the fence and keep it in a level position. They provide a consistent foundation for fence panels making sure that the whole structure is stable and straight.

4. Enhancing Aesthetics

Apart from their useful advantages, wooden gravel boards can enhance the overall look for the fence. They give a clean and polished look, which complements their natural appeal to fence panels made of wood.

Types of Wooden Gravel Boards

1. Treated Timber Gravel Boards

Treated gravel timber boards are constructed of wood that has been treated by pressure using preservatives. This protects the wood from decay, rot or insect attack, thereby making it more durable and lasting. Treated gravel boards for timber are perfect for outdoor use, as the boards are in contact with elements.

2. Untreated Timber Gravel Boards

The untreated gravel board is constructed out of wood that is not treated with preservative treatment. Although they provide an appearance that is more natural but are less durable than treated boards and more susceptible to decay and rot. The untreated gravel boards might require additional treatment or maintenance to extend their life.

Advantages of Wooden Gravel Boards

1. Durability

If made of high-quality wood, and maintained properly wood, gravel boards made of wood are extremely durable. Treated gravel boards made of timber specifically, provide superior resistance to moisture pests and rot and provide a long-lasting protection that will last for years to protect your fence.

2. Easy Installation

The wood gravel boards are simple to set up even for DIY enthusiasts. They can be cut to size and then attached to fence posts and panels with typical tools and equipment.

3. Natural Appearance

The wood-gravel boards are a perfect match for wooden fence panels, ensuring the natural, cohesive appearance. They come in a variety of kinds of wood and finishes that allow you to pick the one that is most compatible with your fence.

4. Cost-Effective

As compared to other types of materials, such as cement or wood, wood gravel boards tend to be cheaper. They offer a viable solution for fencing protection without needing a substantial expenditure.

Installation Process

1. Prepare the Area

Before you install the boards of gravel, clean the area of all debris and vegetation. Make sure the surface is level and well-compressed to ensure a solid base to the boards.

2. Measure and Cut the Boards

Take a measurement of the width of your fence, then reduce the board to the proper dimensions. Utilize a saw to cut straight and clean cuts for professional results.

3. Attach the Boards

Place the gravel boards near the bottom of the fence, making sure they are at an even level. Connect them to fence posts with nails or screws, making sure that they are securely attached. In the event that your fence lies situated on uneven ground, you can adjust the size of the boards in order to ensure that they have a consistent appearance.

4. Seal the Joints

To stop moisture from getting into joints, apply an impervious sealant on the edges where the gravel boards join with fence panels and posts. This will keep the wood safe and prolong the life of gravel boards.

Maintenance Tips

1. Regular Inspections

Check the gravel boards regularly for evidence of rot, damage or insects. The early detection of problems will allow for quick repairs, and helps prevent further harm.

2. Cleaning

Maintain the boards' cleanliness by cleaning them of debris, dirt and plants that might build up on the boards. This will prevent the buildup of moisture and lowers the risk of decay and rot.

3. Re-Treating

If you are using untreated timber gravel boards, think about applying an oil-based sealant or wood preservative regularly to shield them from the elements and pests. The treated boards could be benefited from re-treatment on occasion to ensure their protection.

4. Repairs

Repair any damaged or rotting parts on the boards of gravel. Replace the boards that are damaged beyond repair to ensure continued safety and stability of your fence.


wood gravel panels are an essential part of any fence system that provides security, structural strength as well as aesthetic appeal. When you understand their functions as well as their types and the how to install them, you can make educated decisions that will improve the lifespan and appearance of the fence. Regular maintenance will ensure that your gravel fence boards remain attractive and effective protecting your fence for many years to come.


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