
How do chickens have baby chicks?

13 March 2023 · 1 ·


Question answers (1)

13 March 2023
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Chickens reproduce via sexual reproduction. A fertilized egg is needed for the development of a baby chick. Male chickens, also known as roosters, have a reproductive organ called a cloaca, which is used to transfer sperm to the female chicken's reproductive tract. Female chickens, known as hens, have small openings called vents that provide access to the reproductive tract. During mating, the rooster will mount the hen and transfer sperm to her reproductive tract. The sperm then fertilizes the egg, and the hen will lay the fertilized egg. The egg will be incubated either naturally by the mother hen or artificially through an incubator, and after a period of time, a baby chick will hatch from the egg.

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