
How do you ask a total stranger out on a date?

13 March 2023 ยท


Question answers (1)

13 March 2023
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It's important to approach someone respectfully and politely when asking them out on a date. Here are some steps you could take:

  1. Start with a friendly introduction: "Hi, I'm [your name]. I hope you don't mind me asking, but would you like to grab a cup of coffee or a drink sometime?"

  2. Be mindful of their response: If they decline, it's important to respect their decision and their boundaries. If they accept, be sure to exchange contact information and discuss details like a time and place.

  3. Keep it casual: Since you don't know the person well, be sure to keep the date casual and low pressure. Suggest a simple activity like coffee or drinks, and don't make assumptions about what they will or won't enjoy.

  4. Show interest in them: Take the time to ask questions and get to know your date. Listen actively and show genuine interest in their life and interests.

Remember, it's important to be respectful and kind, and to understand that not everyone will be interested in dating you. If they decline or don't seem interested, don't take it personally and simply move on.

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