
What is a Stack?

30 January 2023 · 5 ·


Question answers (1)

30 January 2023
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A Stack is a linear data structure in computer science and programming. It is a collection of elements, with two main operations: push and pop.

  1. Push: adds an element to the top of the stack.
  2. Pop: removes the element from the top of the stack.

The elements in a stack are stored and accessed in a last-in-first-out (LIFO) order, meaning that the last element to be added to the stack is the first one to be removed. This is similar to a pile of plates, where the last plate to be added to the pile is the first one to be taken away.

Stacks are used in many applications, such as memory management, expression evaluation, and function calls. They provide a convenient way to store and manage data, especially when dealing with reverse order operations or when handling recursive function calls.

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