
What is the best way to remove wallpaper?

14 March 2023 · 3 ·


Question answers (2)

14 March 2023
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Here are the steps you can take to remove wallpaper:

  1. Prepare the room: Remove any furniture or decorations from the room, and cover the floor with a drop cloth or plastic sheeting to protect it from glue and water.

  2. Score the wallpaper: Use a wallpaper perforator tool, scoring tool or utility knife to make holes in the wallpaper. This will help the water and wallpaper stripper solution penetrate through the paper and adhesive.

  3. Apply wallpaper stripper solution: Mix warm water and wallpaper stripper solution according to the instructions on the package. Apply this solution to a small section of the wallpaper with a sponge, roller or spray bottle. Let it soak for 10-15 minutes.

  4. Scrape the wallpaper: Use a wallpaper scraper tool to remove the wallpaper from the wall. Start at the bottom of the wall and work your way up. Be careful not to damage the wall by applying too much pressure.

  5. Remove any remaining adhesive: If there is any adhesive left on the wall, apply more wallpaper stripper solution and use a scraper or sandpaper to remove it.

  6. Clean the walls: Once all the wallpaper and adhesive are removed, wipe down the walls with a sponge and warm water to remove any residue. Allow the walls to dry completely before applying new wallpaper or painting.

Overall, removing wallpaper can be a time-consuming and messy task. But following these steps can help make it a little bit easier.

Best and simple way to remove wallper is

  1. Use heat gun or hair dryer to remove it from the wall which will take time.
  2. Clean the glue on the wall with the help of mult surface cleaner

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