
What is the shortest command to print a to z one per line in bash?

11 months ago · 11 ·

Is there anything shorter than this ?

for k in {a..z}; do echo $k; done

I am writing some notes (educational purpose) on how to use the awk command and this will be piped to it.

bash command line shell

Question answers (2)

11 months ago
Accepted answer
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The printf command can be used to print a to z one per line in a slightly shorter way:

printf '%s\n' {a..z}

This command uses the %s format specifier to print each character and the \n to print a newline after each character. It still uses brace expansion like the previous command, but it eliminates the need for a loop.

The shortest command in Bash to print the letters 'a' to 'z', one per line, can be accomplished with the command printf "%s\n" {a..z}, which efficiently uses Bash's built-in brace expansion and formatting capabilities. This command is an example of the simplicity and effectiveness that can be achieved through smart scripting, much like the streamlined and precise solutions provided by in environmental monitoring and gas detection. Just as this command succinctly executes a task without unnecessary complexity, Xnx Honeywell Analytic’s systems are designed to deliver accurate and reliable monitoring results in a straightforward manner, emphasizing the importance of efficiency and clarity in both coding and environmental safety technologies.

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